Here’s your Money Horoscope For November 2018

Many questions that arise in a person’s life cannot be easily answered by standard methods of a physical reality. Matters of the spirit. in particular, require delving into an area of existence called the soul.

Finding a competent psychic is essential to gaining a useful understanding of such matters, because psychic ability cannot be measured in a scientific way. Therefore, finding a true psychic among the charlatans can be difficult.

There are a few ways to determine if the results of a psychic reading can be trusted as useful information.

Whether the psychic you choose seeks their answers from tarot cards, rune stones, or even while in a trance state, the information they offer should be clear and understandable. Someone who goes on about “curses”, “burning candles for you to remove a curse”, or other scare tactics like these are 100% charlatans.

Life is not always safe, and a true psychic will tell you if they see danger in your future. However, a true psychic will know what you can do to correct the situation, without trying to charge you extra to “remove a curse”! Because help with whatever problems a psychic sees during your session should be part of the service!!

A true psychic understands that their psychic ability is a tool that can be used to help you improve your own life, by seeing things you cannot see, or know by yourself.

A true psychic reading should inform you of how a situation was created to bring you to the point of worry, and then give you ways for how to resolve it. No psychic should tell you what to do – but rather they should allow you to use your own free will as you see fit!

It is essential that a good psychic reading be presented in ideas and terminology that you can understand and can relate to. When you get a psychic reading, you should be allowed to ask questions.

A true psychic knows that you will be able to use the information gained from your psychic reading, and that it will help you to take control of your life and get it back on track once again!  A true psychic reader will help you do this in a way that makes you feel comfortable – not try to fill you full of fear!

If you are one of the many people who have been scammed by a gypsy, I am truly sorry that happened to you, and I hope this email will help you to avoid having that happen to you again in the future!

I hope this helps you!

In light and peace,

Tana Hoy

If you would like to s Schedule a Private Psychic Reading with me, visit my website at or call my office at: 614-444-6334.

P.S. Thanks for all the nice emails asking me how the dinner went on Halloween night! It was amazing! I never laughed so hard in my life, and one of our spirit guests even told us a very funny joke! Why do psychic mediums never drink too much? Because they know how to handle their spirits! That was told by my friend’s 8-year-old son who passed last year! He joined us for the first time this Halloween!

P.S.S. Corny jokes were everywhere that night! It was a very enjoyable and heart felt evening! I miss you grandma, and I’ll see you again next year!

P.S.S.S. Here’s your Money Horoscope For November 2018

2 Responses

  1. Shawlene says:

    Ok thanks it was very meaningful for me I trust that I will make these ideas a open reality in my life.

  2. paris aries says:

    I was fortunate enough to have a run-in with a pretend psychic years back. The lady wanted to do as you stated above and burn candles that I was going to have to pay $ for in order to “lift the curse that’s been put on me”. Thankfully I ran like the wind and found you TMan and I have been content ever since! You are trusting, kind and honest and I am blessed to have you in my life.

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