5 Secret Ways to Erase Heavy Karma – by Tana Hoy!

Karmic debts – have you ever come across this term? Most of the time, the problems and issues you are facing today are the results of heavy Karma. To find out how to live life to the fullest by erasing heavy Karma, it’s important to first understand what Karma means. psychic readings

Karma is a Sanskrit word that means work. The law of Karma is one of the major laws that govern the Universe. It is a means of the Universe to maintain balance and carry out justice.

Karma works in the simplest way: what you sow, you reap. It means that if you have done something good, then you will enjoy the fruit of that action. But if you have done something wrong, then you will suffer from the consequences. Plain and simple.

Three Types of Karma

No one can escape Karma. As stated in the Bhagavad Gita, “One cannot remain without engaging in [karmic] activity at any time, even for a moment; certainly all living entities are helplessly compelled to action by the qualities endowed by material nature.”

Animals, plants and even spiritual entities engage in activities that will either give them negative or positive karma.

There are three types of Karma. Swami Sivananda, a well-known Indian spiritual master, provides the following details:

  1. The first type of Karma is Sanchita Karma, or the accumulated Karma. When this accumulated Karma ripens, it will take effect either in this lifetime, or in another.
  2. The second one is the Prarabdha, which is the “ripe” Karma. This is the Karma currently affecting our lives.
  3. Actions that we do in this life are called Agami Karma.

The Accumulation of Bad Karma and its Relationship with Reincarnation

But how do we accumulate bad Karma, anyway?

According to the Buddha, things that we do which are beyond basic morality cause bad karma. As we continue doing those kinds of activities, the bigger the chances are that we will reap the negative results of such karmic activities in our next life.

That is why it’s very important to be conscious of what we are doing. However, most of the time, we engage in activities that increase our karmic debt. This is because we are typically unaware that those things will bring us misfortunes in our next life.

No Sense Clinging to Temporary Things

Most of the time, we identify happiness and joy with the activities of the physical body. This is why people engage in too much drinking, too much merrymaking, and too much physical pleasure.

They also attach themselves to temporary things like wealth, or temporary relationships. People always forget that they are not bodies with spirits, but that they are actually a spirit encased in a physical body.

As long as people continue to cling on temporary things, they will remain unhappy.

Even Thoughts can Bring Bad Karma

Bad Karma can also be accumulated through thoughts. Remember that before a negative action actually takes place, it occurs first in our minds. That’s why a sage like Jesus Christ forewarns us about the sinfulness of thoughts.

In Buddhism, one of the requirements to attain enlightenment is by cultivating a pure mind, along with doing good, and not doing evil.

Releasing Ourselves From the Chains of Bad Karma

Now that you know what Karma is, what steps can you take to shake off its bondage so that you can live a joyful life?

While you cannot fully reverse the ripe Karma that you have gathered in your past lives (remember, this Karma is what you are experiencing now), there are things that you can still do so that you can enjoy life to the fullest.

  1. Meditation

Meditation can help you lessen the effect of negative Karma in your life. In the Bible, in the first chapter of Psalms, verses 2 and 3, a meditative person is considered as a tree, planted by the streams of peaceful waters, bearing fruits according to seasons.

Moreover, according to the Indian mystic and yogi Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, meditation burns negative Karma.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said in one of his lectures about meditation: “You keep anything on fire, it gets heated up, and so meditation definitely erases the past impressions”.

  1. Humanitarian Service

Another method to counterbalance negative Karma is to engage in loving service to others. In the Dhammapada, the Buddha explained that good actions always lead the person into good or non-Karmic results.

  1. Avoid Things that Can Result in Negative Karma

Since Karma is associated with thoughts and actions, it is better to avoid thinking and doing anything that could cause negative Karma.

Whenever you feel an urge to think of negative or bad things, divert your mind, and think of good things instead. Before doing anything, think twice if it is beneficial to you and to others. If not, don’t do it.

  1. Mantras and Positive Affirmations

Praying certain mantras, and reciting positive affirmations, can also ward off the negative effects of previous karma.

Mantras are a form of prayer that are recited repeatedly. Affirmations, on the other hand, are a set of words that contain positive vibrations. Affirmations are used to re-program the subconscious mind through many repetitions, until the unconscious absorbs it.

Through mantras and positive affirmations, you can raise your consciousness and subtle energy levels. In doing so, you negate the effects of the previous karma that you have accumulated in your past lives.

  1. Cultivating a Spiritual Life

By focusing on having a spirit-filled life, you can release yourself from the bondage of negative karma. This is the real secret to success: to live your life positively.

However, to be sure if your suffering is a result of bad karma, or if it caused by something else, it’s best to consult a professional psychic.

To get a comprehensive psychic reading which includes an Akashic Record review to find out more about the answers you need, you can click here now to schedule it!


4 Responses

  1. Sam B says:

    The problem I have with the concept of karma is first and foremost, it’s a concept. Secondly, the universe’s mechanic is based from the principle of balance or justice based on the rule of duality ((i.e light and dark / positive vs negative) which in itself is flawed.

    According to those who “claim” to understand the concept of enlightenment, there is no “good” or “bad” because they are merely concepts of the mind of our representation of what we see as reality.

    Karma is supposed to represent the disposition of an outcome of an action, be it positive or negative. You commit good acts, you get a reward – essentially. You do something bad, you get punished, but what is “punishment?” What is a “reward”? Why do we “deserve” them? To “deserve” something is also a human concept of the principle of “you do something, you get that in return” is it not?

    Whether karma actually exists or not, I have no clue. Some say it does, others say it doesn’t. There are also those who say “Karma implies we have no control of our fate” which is half true. We choose to commit an action, therefore reap the rewards or punishment from said action. If the universe is trying to promote free will, then why are we stuck in a loop we cannot choose to get out of? Why are we forced to comply with a certain destiny or outcome? Can we choose what karma we get? Our decisions in our soul script implies the possibility that we can choose what karma we are exposed to in our lifetime(s) but apparent has to be an essential rule to be included.

    Here’s the biggest problem: What if there was an instance where you had to perform a negative action to achieve something positive? For example: the overly used famous scenario of sacrificing few to save many, or a better example: Robin Hood. Steal from the rich to give to the poor. Would we be punished for the negativity or rewarded for the positive effect we created? They say “Two wrongs do not make a right” yet in the Robin Hood scenario stealing (an act of greed) from a greedy sheriff was to HELP the poor people. Is irony taken into account or is there a rule of neutrality of a selfish act in the name of selflessness?

    What about the other side of the coin? Someone with a negative agenda does something positive but only for their own means? Say in a generic movie scenario, the god guy and the bad guy team up for a certain aligned goal. This does not include betrayal or anything, it is a legitimate agreement but the outcome is say, bad guy helps good for for exchange for something that helps in their evil endeavours like free reign to rule the world etc, BUT the bad guys is helping the good guy because there’s a more serious threat at stake that effects both of them in a way neither of them wants. Would the bad guy be punished or rewarded for helping in the act of good or punished for doing it out of selfishness?

    Also, is karma going to “Punish” me for defying it’s existence or it’s integrity? 😛 I know that not believing in the rule of karma would potentially yield no results and it’s our thoughts and actions that count. Would the universe think I’m thinking in a negative manner about karma because of it’s practicality and flawed nature…? Then what? I said before that the rule of karma seems to be under the rule of deserving. Why would we deserve punishment or reward for our actions? Deserving is a mindset of human nature.

    I’m just confused about the nature of karma since punishment is aligned with justice, justice is a facade of revenge for bad deeds as I quoted something before “There is no justice, only revenge.” And rewards are similar that we “deserve” similar compensation on the other side of the duality coin for good deeds.

    In the end, all things are a concept, all concepts are ideas, all ideas are thoughts. The universe “created” for a lack of a better word the ‘Concept’ of karma as a kind of balancing mechanic for itself. I have yet to find an answer to this though…

  2. Sam B says:

    This was meant to be posted in “Should you Make Up or Break Up” blog Tana did. Sorry for repeats 🙂

  3. great post and thanks for sharing meditation benefits. its more necessary nowdays.

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