An amazing experience I wanted to share with you!! Wow!

Are you prepared for the upcoming energy and the obstacles and challenges this the energy misalignment, is going to bring? You already see the effects of it coming by all the tragic events that are being reported in the news!
I will be talking about this more in my next email!
But for now, I want to share some good news!
One thing that I have always found as a source of comfort in my life, has been that I can call on all of my “invisible” helpers whenever I need help, guidance, assistance, protection, or just someone to talk to whenever I feel lonely.

An Amazing Experience I Recently Had

The other day, I was siting in my backyard, and my yard was full of fairies playing, and even a few angles were there relaxing. So we talked about the changes happening on the planet right now. They were discussing what they could do to possibly intervene.

It was just interesting to me to be able to sit back, take in the view, and just listen to all the conversations going on in the spirit world!

If your life is being affected by negative energies that are happening right now, click here now to get my help!

When my mentor long ago, taught me a powerful and ancient technique that makes a person’s psychic hearing almost crystal clear, it changed my life from that point on.

He taught me this technique when I was around 10 years old, and it has helped me ever since! I talk about my mentor in a book I am writing and it will be ready to read soon!

How To Create An angel Talisman Of Protection

In the meantime, if you buy a feather, (any large white feather will work) and rub a drop of jasmine oil on the quill, it will work as a kind of Angel Protection Talisman. You can place it in your car, room, or anywhere that you need protection Try it! It is very powerful!!

I hope that was helpful!

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