The Choir of Angels

The Choir of Angels

Angels are winged beings that were created by the Divine Creator in order to help humans here on earth transcend and ‘perfect’ their souls. They are made up of divine energy and also serve as our divine connection to the Creator.

Angels are our invisible ‘best friends.’ They help us in our daily lives, protect us from harm and evil and keep us on the path of righteousness. But few people realize their presence and even acknowledge them.

Are you one of the individuals that thank the Universe for giving you such ‘gifts?’

For those that have been reading my articles regarding angels, you may have heard about the term “Choir of Angels,” which is basically another term for a group of angels. The Choir of Angels is composed of 9 classifications of angels, each of whom, have specific and primary duties. Angels are also ranked in accordance with their duties and responsibilities.

How to talk to angels

So come and follow me today as we explore the roles of the angels in the choir, and you are going to be amazed that you have available to you the best protection you could ever receive!




The Choir of Angels

From the moment you are born until the moment your soul departs your physical body, angels guide you throughout your journey.

To start off, first, let’s define an angel.

Angels are winged beings that were created by the Divine Creator in order to help humans here on earth transcend and ‘perfect’ their souls. They are made up of divine energy and also serve as our divine connection to the Creator.

From the moment you were born, Angels were already assigned to guide and protect you. You will also acquire additional angels throughout you life, as the Universe sees necessary. A good thing to note is that angels are not affected by our physical time and space dimension, which enable them to assist you whenever and wherever you may be. Just call out their names and they’ll be there!


The Choir of Angels


The Choir of Angels

The Choir of Angels is composed of 9 classifications of angels, each of whom, have specific and primary duties. Angels are also ranked in accordance with their duties and responsibilities.

Now, let’s move on to the best part! The Choir of Angels!

Earlier, I said that angels were already assigned to you the moment you were born. And just before you were born, your angels were there waiting for you to open those tiny little eyes!

And they’re not called a “band of angels” for no particular reason, because each angel has a specific duty and responsibility in your life!

So today, I’ll be elaborating each duty of the angels in a choir.


  1. Seraphim


These angels are said to be the ones closest to God or the Creator. They are also the highest order in the Choir, since they are the closest to the Creator, and are also the protector of His throne. There are only 4 of them; each has four faces and six wings. It is said that when they come to Earth, they leave their serpent appearances behind, preferring take on a thin, tall, and clean-cut human embodiment.


  1. Cherubim


These angels are next in line in the hierarchy of angels. They are the keepers and guardians of the celestial records, and hold the knowledge of God.

The Cherubim were sent to earth with the divine task of expelling humankind from the Garden of Eden. They are depicted as sphinx-like, winged creatures with human faces.

Several angels in the Cherubim are: Ophaniel, Rikbiel, and Zophiel. It is also important to note that Satan was once a Cherub before his fall from grace.


  1. Thrones


These angels follow after the Cherubim and are the third highest of this order. According to the Christian bible, they serve as the God’s chariot and dispense His judgment in order to carry out his desires.

They are depicted to look like great glowing wheels covered with many eyes. These lower Choirs, or group of angels, need the Thrones in order to access God.

The Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones are considered to be part of the ‘First Choir,’ the highest of the order, and closest to the Creator.


  1. Dominions


These angels are considered to be the ‘middle-management,’ where they receive orders from Seraphim and Cherubim, then dish out duties to the ‘worker angels’ of the lower orders.

They maintain balance and order in the cosmos by sending down their powers to heads of government and other authority figures. In short, they regulate the duties of the angels in the lower orders.


  1. Virtues


These angels are known to govern all nature and are tasked with maintaining the balance of the natural world, such as taking charge and control over seasons, moon, stars, and even the Sun. They also inspire humans in areas such as science.

They take orders from the angels in the first choir,  and perform miracles in the lives of the ‘deserving.’ When they manifest and take earthly form, they are said to be the great musicians, artists, healers, and scientists, who work with the power of love. When in their celestial form, they take shape in sparks of light.

It is believed that at the ascension of Jesus, the Master Teacher, the two angels that were present were Virtues.


  1. Powers


These are the ‘warrior’ angels that are frequently thought of as the celestial border patrol agents. They manage and govern the boundaries between heaven and earth; fighting and protecting human beings from evil spirits who attempt to cause chaos and havoc here on earth.

They appear as brightly colored, hazy fumes in their celestial form, and are also called the angels of birth and death.

The Dominions, Virtues and Powers are considered to be part of the ‘Second Choir,’ which are more focused on governing and ordering the laws of the universe.


  1. Principalities


These angels are tasked with overseeing the entire world. They guide nations, cities and towns to the path of good and righteousness.

Just like a principal in school, they are charged with maintaining harmony and balance on Earth. In their celestial form, they manifest as rays of light.


  1. Archangels


These angels are the ‘guardians’ of people on earth, along with all things physical. They are most concerned with, and respond best when, dealing with matters involving all humankind.

Archangels are also called ‘chief angels’, which means that they are protectors of all mankind, and govern the lower angels as well. They are also the first order of angels that will appear in human form, mainly as people who are pioneering for change, such as explorers, philosophers, and human rights leaders.


  1. Angels angel2

Angels safeguard individuals and households, and keep them safe from evil entities.

Angels are the closest to mankind as they personally interact and guide each of us throughout our lives. Angels safeguard individuals and households, and keep them safe from evil entities. Think of them as simply your invisible ‘best friends.’ They are also known as ‘Guardian Angels’ because the guard, guide, and protect you every day.

The Principalities, Archangels and Angels are considered to be part of the ‘Third Choir,’ which are the closest to Earth and humans. They are more concerned with the welfare and stability of the physical world and all its creations.

When you think about it, the Universe is indeed magnificent a magnificent place, because during it’s creation, the Creator, The Source, or whatever word you choose to use, had the foresight and wisdom to include the creation of the Choir of Angels, to help preserve and maintain balance among all creation, including the tiniest of beings in the universe – you and I.

From the moment you are born until the moment your soul departs your physical body, angels guide you throughout your journey. So always maintain a strong connection between you and your invisible ‘best friends!’

If you have thoughts and ideas, please leave a discussion in the comments section down below!


If You Enjoyed This Article, Here are Some Other Suggested Articles for You to Read:


How To Talk To Angels And Hear Their Voices
NEVER Ignore Angel Numbers: They’re The Way Your Angels Talk To You!
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12 of the Best Quotes About Angels
Learn How To Talk To Your Angels

4 Responses

  1. Sam says:

    I don’t see anything mentioning the Elohim though it’s questionable if they even are angels. From my understanding they are “the presence of god” or essentially god itself in conscious manifestation but are not just one of them.

    According to the lore, the Elohim helped make the earth or rather helped create life on earth (and probably other planets). We essentially were “created” by them until the Nibiru crisis which, to put it short, changed the course of humanity. As a side note they helped the Lyrans as well. If I’m wrong on any details, please correct me.

    As for the known angels, you said Seraphs have a serpent appearance, so.. does that make them reptilian? 😛

    As some may have noticed, a lot of this crosses over with alien lore.

    If the average person has 60 angels of 9 variants, it can probably indicate how many there are in total. There are more angels than people on the planet! That’s huge!

  2. Candy says:

    Dear the cherubim and the seraphim and all the archangels the principalities the virtues the dominions The thrones!! The powers ???❤️
    I love you more than anything ever, and I always will!! ???????????❤️??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    This is my favorite post ever! 🙂

  3. Sparkle says:

    I’ve always referred to my angels as my “Best Friends”,more than any human being could ever be and they will be my forever best friends even when I leave this planet and float around for eternity! ??????????

  4. Irma says:

    I love this Tana! I have a book on angels and your knowledge is amazing! Thank you. ? I enjoy learning as much as I can about Angels.

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