4 Ways To Use The Energy Of 2020 To Your Advantage

Hi there,

I hope you’ve had a great week so far!

I wanted to write an email about the best ways to bring in the energy of 2020!

This information was channeled by me from my Spirit Friends, so I hope you find it helpful!

4 Ways To Use The Energy Of 2020


Understand that change is happening for a reason. It’s time for you to grow and evolve. Look at the change and ask yourself “What is my purpose?”

Let the answer guide you through the process. As Frank Herbert once said, “Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens.” The sleeper must be awakened!

Click here to schedule a psychic reading and discover what lies ahead in your life in 2020.


Moving from a safe place and into the unknown can be daunting. By trusting in yourself, you will find a way to overcome any obstacle.

“Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you’re afraid” – Eddie Rickenbacher –

When you feel fear, it’s because the situation you are facing is important to you. So don’t shy away from anything! Face it, and see it as a catalyst for making a fundamental shift in your life.


Change can be uncomfortable. It moves us outside the norm and into the unknown. Sometimes you’d like to stop it or slow it down. But change has its own pace. So embrace it.

As Caroline Schoeder once said, “Some people change when they see the light, others when they feel the heat!”  How much heat can you take?

The question to ask yourself is “If not now, when?

Don’t let unseen obstacles stand in your way in 2020! Click here and let me show you what lies ahead in your future!


In The Story of Everest, W.H. Murray said: “Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth- that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too.”

There is always a defining moment, a decision point when you make the commitment to change. Once you do this, something happens.

Like a line of dominos that fall naturally of their own accord, so too, do the events that unfold once the decision has been made.

The keys are to:

A) Put your stake in the ground and commit to it.

B) Trust in the natural flow and order of life.

When you’re on your true path, things happen naturally.

So step up to the plate, take that leap of faith, and make the changes you know are long overdue.

I hope this was helpful to you!

In Light and peace,

Tana Hoy

To Schedule A Private Reading:

Visit my website: www.TanaHoy.com

Call my office at 614-444-6334

P.S. Send me an email and say hello!!

2 Responses

  1. Mali naidoo says:

    Good Morning Tana,

    Thank you for accepting me in your circle. I a 66year old lady and have now seen the light. I have had a few vivid dreams very interesting. I would like to use my other abilities as well. Still a learner at this and i want to help myself and other people too. Perhaps you can help me in this.

    In Light and Peace.

  2. STACY FENNER says:

    Thanks Tana. I’m currently an essential employee working with patients diagnosed with COVID-19. I must say, it was hard for me, I almost resigned, but I faced my fears and fed my faith!!!! I committed myself to work my tour of duty on the unit, and do all I can to assist staff and patients. Thank you. I feel like I’m on the right tracks taking these steps.

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