Animal Totems – Helpers Of Psychic Readings
You and your animal counterpart share certain characteristics. You and your animal totem may both be bold or daring, or you and your totem could be analytical and cautious, or you could both be extremely family-centered.
Animal totems play an important part in psychic readings. An animal totem, or animal guide, is a symbol that helps us to understand our personality characteristics, and how these characteristics affect us in decision-making, and also living out our life paths.
During a psychic reading, I discuss with you the vibrations that I am picking up as we talk.
Then, I act as a guide to help you determine what your specific animal totem is, and how you can communicate with your animal guide to make positive changes happen in your life.
Where Did the Concept of Animal Totems Come From?
Many often see Native American culture as the originator of animal totems. However, the truth is that belief in animal guides goes way, way back, even to pre-history.
The belief in animal guides dates well beyond the dawn of history.
The caves that used to serve as the homes for prehistoric people show crude illustrations of various animals they encountered in their daily lives. Although scenes of hunting and eating animals were among the more numerous drawings, there were also drawings depicting prehistoric people giving reverence to certain animals.
What Animal Totems Can Do For You
Like humans, animals are different from one another, even if they may belong to a common family. Cats and tigers, for example, both belong to the Felidae family.
While cats can be easily domesticated, it is close to impossible for a tiger to become a tame member of a household because their characteristics are clearly different from ours. So even within the same species of animals, no two are ever exactly the same.
The same holds for people. You are unique in the universe.
The thing is, you and your animal counterpart share certain characteristics. You and your animal totem may both be bold or daring, or you and your totem could be analytical and cautious, or you could both be extremely family-centered.
Realizing who you really are, by clearly getting to know your totem, will allow you to understand why you make certain decisions that may be either beneficial, or harmful to you.
You and your animal totem need to be in harmonious alignment, because if you reject or ignore your totem and its guidance, then internal conflict will arise within you.
However, this doesn’t have to happen. A psychic reading can help you get to know your animal totem, and teach you how to use it’s special powers and incorporate them into your life! Schedule a reading now!
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Tana, ?
I did a Violet flame medication with a bunch of people and I saw the violet light from St. Germain and I imagined it all around planet earth and all through the ocean and deep inside it was so awesome as I was doing a meditation I got a vision of a wolf/dog?
Sylvia Browne had told me my animal totem was a gorilla, and that he was very menacing, meaning he protected me very well. The lady that I did the Violet flame meditation with told me that maybe I have a new animal totem the wolf maybe you can tell me about it. I was so honored to be able to do that meditation and help spread the love around the world and deep into the oceans with all the sea life, I just loved it 🙂 ?????