10 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Psychic Reading – Part 1

Tana Hoy psychic reading spiritual development

A good psychic reading can greatly energize spiritual development.

A psychic reading can be both an informative and enjoyable experience. Phone psychic readings are highly recommended because you can easily gain insights about what the future holds without the inconvenience of having to visit your psychic in person.

On top of that, you can add to your spiritual knowledge and energize your spiritual development by consulting a good psychic.

A Psychic Reading is an Important Spiritual Activity

People get a psychic reading for many reasons. Among these reasons are their need to:

  • Receive relevant advice on how to solve their love problems,
  • Receive guidance about their financial concerns, or,
  • Address pressing issues affecting their families or career.

However, psychic readings are MORE THAN the reasons given above.

A psychic reading is more than asking the psychic for love advice, or for help in locating your missing keys or documents. That’s because a psychic reading is an important spiritual activity.

It’s spiritual for the reason that aside from Angels, the Ascended Masters (spirits that have already gained deeper and advanced knowledge), and Spirit Guides can also assist the psychic medium during the reading.

The psychic medium channels the messages from these unseen beings to provide you with an accurate and reliable psychic reading.

At times, the psychic may even go into a trance or sleep-like state to be able to clearly hear the messages meant for you.

Your Bridge To The Spiritual Realms

For thousands of years, psychics and mediums have served as mediators between the spiritual and physical worlds.

In ancient civilizations such as those that existed in Greece, Rome, and India, psychics and mediums (who are highly-spiritual people) directly communicated with beings from the other dimensions to get messages in behalf of other people without highly developed psychic gifts.

Up to now, psychics and mediums usually do this through channeling or direct mediumship. They are your bridge to the spiritual realms.

The Age of Aquarius

As we all enter the glorious era of the Age of Aquarius, the spirit world has become more active in communicating with us.

The Age of Aquarius is the age of great revelation and miracles. It is also considered as the age of consciousness transformation. That is why more and more people are embracing spirituality these days. It is because of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

We are very fortunate that Angels and Spirit Guides work with us through psychic mediums and healers.

On a personal level for you, the timely and life-changing messages from the Angels, Spirit Guides, and Ascended Masters are tools that you can use to overcome difficulties in life, advance spiritually, and even heal your wounded relationships.

You can receive these messages during a psychic reading.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Psychic Reading

Here are some tips to help ensure that your consultation with a psychic medium is both informative and enjoyable:

Tip # 1 – Preparation is key.

You need to be prepared for your psychic consultation.

Free your mind from any doubts. Have an open mind and an open heart so that you can fully absorb and understand the possible messages that the Spirit Guides intend for you to receive.

Tip # 2 – Create a list of your concerns.

Prepare a list of your concerns.

On a sheet of paper, list down all the issues and problems that you want to talk about with your psychic. At the top of your list, write down your most pressing concern. This list will serve as an effective reminder about your concerns, from the most urgent to those which are more manageable.

Tip # 3 – Relax your mind and body before calling the psychic for a consultation.

Take a deep breath, clear your mind, and relax before making contact with the psychic reader.

By relaxing and by clearing your mind, you’re opening up yourself to the constant flow of positive energy from the Universe.

If you can’t clear your mind easily, play some soft, soothing instrumental music and do these simple breathing exercises:

• As you breathe in, think of all the positive things that you may receive during the course of the reading.
• As you breathe out, clear your mind of all the worries which have been bothering you in the past few days.

By doing this breathing exercise, you will relax and become ready for your reading.

Tip # 4 – Ask the Proper Questions.

To get the right answers, you must ask the right questions.

Focus on your concerns one at a time. As stated earlier in this post, it would be better if you wrote down the questions before picking up the phone and talking to your psychic.

Tip # 5 – Listen attentively.

Don’t let your mind wander. Listen carefully to what the psychic is saying so that you won’t miss anything from the reading.

In the second part of this post, I will continue discussing how you can make your psychic reading both enjoyable and fruitful.

However, if you feel that you are already prepared for a consultation, I strongly recommend that you go ahead and schedule a psychic reading now!

2 Responses

  1. I like how you said to write down a list of your current concerns. I am getting a psychic reading done this summer. Thank you for the tips on how to get the most out of your psychic reading.

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