Explaining the Akashic Records
The Astral world is a plane of existence surrounding our physical world, but vibrating to a different energy vibration.
Right now, the Astral world, which is a plane of existence surrounding our physical world, but vibrating to a different energy vibration, is the home of Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides.
In this world, there exists an exact replica of our physical world , and this includes basically everything we have in the physical realm, including cars, gadgets, homes, cities, etc. In the Astral world, you even an astral version of a computer!
In this astral world, there also exists an enormous library containing all the information about the universe itself. It’s a housed collection of books in this gigantic library of all knowledge. This Library of Knowledge is called the Akashic Records.
Defining the Akashic Records
All ideas, thoughts, actions, and deeds, of all people are recorded in the Akashic Records.
The moment the Divine created the entire universe, It also created a gigantic library containing all the information within the cosmos; all things big and small, everything that happened from the very beginning, until the end of time. This collection of all knowledge is called the Akashic Records.
The term Akashic Records comes from the Sanskrit term Akasha which means “sky,” “space” or “aether.” Meaning its existence lies within the non-physical realm of the universe.
Information from various writings describe the Akashic Records as a book that contains all the information about the human experience, but in reality it’s more than just a compilation of experiences because in reality, all ideas, thoughts, actions, and deeds, of all people are recorded in the Akashic Records.
The Akashic Records holds all the details about a every human being. It is through the Akashic Records that I often obtain information about my client during our reading. The messages that I receive from the Akashic Records are of Divine energy. Its information appears as forms of bright rays of light. The “book” itself appears to be lightweight, but contains infinite pages of images and experiences. It’s like looking into an abyss of thoughts and experiences all in a single compendium.
The information stored within the Akashic Records is ever flowing and changing, as the future holds infinite possibilities.
The Akashic Records shows a person’s past life experiences, and holds all his potential futures. This is the main reason why the information stored within the Akashic Records is ever flowing and changing, as the future holds infinite possibilities.
Looking into the future of a person is like peeking into an ocean of images in a form of flashing bright light. You may try to focus on one potential future, but it’s impossible to make a single conclusion out of the vastness of its entirety.
There are major differences between the Akashic Records and the Zonramian Records, and I explained this is one of my weekly emails. If you are not on my email list, you can subscribe to it by joining my Inner Circle here on my web page.
The good news is that, as psychic mediums I am guided by Spirit Guides and Angels when accessing the Akashic Records and thus, I’m shown with the most ‘helpful’ and ‘insightful’ information during a reading. Without their guidance, my eyes would wander across the infinite abyss of information within the Akashic Records of the person I am reading for.
Akashic Record Reading
An Akashic Record reading is the process where an experienced psychic medium accesses a person’s Akashic Records through channeling, or astral travelling. With the guidance of the my Angels and Spirit Guides, I am able to ‘read’ a person’s records, including their past life experiences and potential futures.
Accessing the Akashic Records requires advanced experience and major focus. An Akashic Record reading can be done via telephone, since these records are made of energy, and energy isn’t separated by time, distance, or space.
What Can I Ask During an Akashic Record Reading?
During an Akashic Record Reading, there are several things you can ask, including information about your past life experiences, soulmates, jobs, family, potential futures, etc.
Remember that during the reading, the information obtained may be unclear to you at first. For example, I might say that you should care for your diet due to potential heart disease, yet at that given time, you’re not experiencing any symptoms of heart problems. But after a few months, you could be surprised to find out that you now have a heart problem, which was only lying dormant, and had gone unnoticed in the past.
How to Prepare Yourself for an Akashic Record Reading
In order to have a meaningful Akashic Records reading, there are several ways in which you can prepare yourself before your reading:
1. Meditate – Clear out your mind of anything that might hinder the flow of information. Unclog your mind and free yourself from stress and negative thoughts before and during the reading. Try to relax during the entirety of the process to let the messages flow as easily as possible.
Unclog your mind and free yourself from stress and negative thoughts before and during the Akashic Records reading.
2. Have an Open Mind – You might reject the information that is presented to you during a reading because it might be in conflict with your actual beliefs and perceptions of yourself.
3. Address Your Questions step-by-step – Reading your Akashic Records is different from reading a normal book. You cannot read page 2 then jump on to page 322. It doesn’t work like that.
As I mentioned earlier, I’m given glimpses of images and experiences, which I then translate and relay to you. It’s important to ask questions in accordance with the information being presented, but try to avoid erratic and inconsistent questions during the reading.
How Accurate is the Akashic Record Reading?
The true purpose of any reading is not to clear a dreary pond, but to remind you there’s always light in darkness beyond
The Akashic Record reading is as accurate as the psychic’s ability to translate and interpret the messages that he or she receives. Since the information comes in flashes of images and experiences, which are then interpreted and relayed to you, it is important to find an experienced Psychic for this type of reading.
Since I have been reading the Akashic Records for many years, and was trained by a highly evolved mentor on how to read these records, when I read the Akashic Records for my clients, I find reading the Akashic Records of a person as easy as reading a physical book.
It is important to note that since the Akashic Records are ever flowing and updating, there is no exact singularity in a person’s future. It can always change depending upon the person’s subsequent actions after the reading. This is called free will.
The true essence of an Akashic Records reading is to give you knowledge and insight about your life and to help you become a better individual than you were once before. It’s like a pat on the back from your beloved best friend, a sincere embrace from your loving parents, and advice from your guardian angels and spirit guides, all at the same time. It’s never meant to cause harm or scare you about the future, but instead, to give you a guiding light for the path ahead.
The true purpose of any reading is not to clear a dreary pond, but to remind you there’s always light in darkness beyond…
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I didn’t expect you to be checking up or posting anything today, being your birthday and all, even if the IC blog is related by topic of the Akashic records. I wouldn’t have minded if you took the day off. You deserve it.
I updated my account a few days ago which is why everything went into moderation mode. Every time that happens It feels like an inconvenience on your part being that you have to keep approving of them each time. It probably gets rather tedious I bet.
Any, enjoy your birthday and have a great one! 🙂