Which Would You Choose? A Free Psychic Quiz- by Tana Hoy

I created this free Psychic Quiz because I am always curious what people think about when it comes to being able to possess certain psychic powers! So I started to wonder “If you could develop one psychic power, which of the following would you choose?”

free psychic quiz

What Would You Choose?

Which Would You Choose?

Would you rather have the ability to do:

A. The psychic power to run faster than the speed of light?


B. The psychic power to have unlimited strength?

Something To Think About

So which psychic power would you rather possess, and why? Also, in what positive way would you use that psychic power to help others if you possessed it!

Please comment below and share your thoughts with everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading my free psychic quiz!

9 Responses

  1. Lesly says:

    I would choose A. I like the idea of being able to go anywhere I want very quickly. It would help with my wanderlust!
    I would use it to get to friends quickly if they need to talk or need my assistance.

  2. allen says:

    i would choose a, to go anywhere, and be anywhere, is very exciting. but, the bigger picture, would be, that it would make me, feel like a spirit, not traped, in a body. with its limitations, and financial ones too. a taste of freedom. just like flying……….

  3. Candy says:

    A! I could go anywhere, anytime 😉

  4. Julia says:

    faster than the speed of light. eventually as humans, we will be off and out of here, what better than to go to the many earth like places astronomers have found except that they are millions of light years away. oh well, maybe we will \get a break perhaps a worm hole to slip through? what do you think tana?

  5. Julia says:

    faster than the speed of light. eventually as humans, we will be off and out of here, what better than to go to the many earth like places astronomers have found except that they are millions of light years away. oh well, maybe we will \get a break perhaps a worm hole to slip through? what do you think tana? I wonder what you will reply. Love to you.

  6. veena says:

    i would choose B. The psychic power to have unlimited strength so that i can help humanity and help people who are in need and who could be helped.

  7. Vernette says:

    I choose B – unlimited strength. This would mean I could face any challenge life and difficulties. I would be able to rise above them with the inner knowledge and wisdom that it’s just a state of consciousness. I would be able to release human emotional feelings and go within spiritually. Doing so for myself, I would be able to help others with their challenges.

  8. Vernette says:

    I choose B – unlimited strength. This would mean I could face any of life’s challenges and difficulties I would be able to rise above them with the inner knowledge and wisdom that it’s just a state of consciousness. I would be able to release human emotional feelings and go within spiritually. Doing so for myself, I would be able to help others with their challenges.

  9. Vilma Lobo says:

    I would choose B -Unlimited strength. With these power I will be able to run as fast as I want to and never get tire I would be able to go pleces and aid others , will be able to face any challenges for my self and for others. I will be able to stop many strategies and help so mamy people

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