Get this gemstone to protect yourself!
Hey there,
One of the best things you can do to protect yourself from any kind of negative energy is to use the power of crystals and gemstones!
Did you know that a crystal can protect you from all kinds of negative energy – including the most powerful curses known to man?
Yes, a Quartz Crystal can deflect the negative energy of most curses. It will not work against Voodoo curses, which are very rare, but they are out there!
A Negative Energy Protection Technique
I wanted to share a special technique with you so that you will also be able to protect yourself from any negative energy that might be around you!
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If you have the same problems repeat themselves time and time again, then you are definitely affected by negative energy and you need to use this technique.
1. Purchase a Quartz Crystal.
2. Cover it in sea salt for 24 hours to purify its energies.
3. Remove it from the sea salt, and then place it between the palms of both hands, and “mentally program it” by imagining it will protect you from negative energy.
4. Carry it with you all the time.
5. Place it by your bed at night when you sleep!
6. Repeat cleaning it in sea salt and mentally programming it every month.
There you have it! You will now be protected. This technique will protect you from most curses and psychic curses for a period of time.
If you have powerful negative energy around you, you will want to contact me for further guidance on this!
I hope this helps you!
In light and peace,
Tana Hoy
To Schedule Your Private Reading:
Call: 614-444-6334
P.S. Next month will be a month full of negative energy! Make sure to get your crystal before September 20th, or you will be very sorry you didn’t!