Here Are My New Year Predictions For 2024

I had an amazing experience a few nights ago and I couldn’t wait to send you this email to share it!!

It was Thursday night, at exactly 2:22 am, I was sleeping alone since Johnny was out of town, when I was awakened by a bright shimmering light so bright, I thought someone was shining a flashlight on my face!

And when I opened my eyes, there was a group of fairies glowing with the most beautiful radiance, flying about one foot above my face. With the most beautiful smiles…

…and when they spoke, their voices were in unison!

They said, “Tana, the reason they came to see you was to give me a message of profound significance! …

… which is, there is going to be a magical event where hundreds of fairies will gather together to celebrate “The Enchanted Moonlight Festival In The Whispering Woods”! And this festival only happens once every 500 years!”

Once every 500 years, I thought?

Now they had my full attention because I know something that only happens once every 500 years in the Fairy Kingdom, has got to be something extremely rare and very special!

So I sat there in my bed for the next 6 hours listening to this group of fairies, as they were flying around my face, explaining to me what this Fairy Festival was all about. 

Their Surprising Announcement

When I heard what they came to tell me, I was so shocked, I almost rolled out of my bed!

Tana, we came here to offer you and 88 of your followers an exclusive invitation to this once-in-500-years mystical adventure, that will take place on the 88th Dimension, in an enchanted garden in an emerald green hideaway!

And why this festival is so special for us fairies is because this is where fairies will whisper their secrets of ancient magic, hidden realms, and joy, with others!

The Fairy Festival in the emerald green hide away


Tana, this event is not just a gathering; it is a transformational experience, a chance for anyone who attends to align with the magic of the universe and embrace the full potential of their existence! …

…So, we came here to offer you and your followers this exclusive invitation to join us on this mystical adventure!”

Let me tell ya, when they said that I was utterly blown away!

Click here now to fill out this form to attend The Enchanted Moonlight Festival In The Whispering Woods and experience the results of powerful fairy magic! 

What To Expect If You Are One Of The Lucky Ones Selected To Attend

First, we will all meet on Zoom, and after just a few minutes of preparation, I will use the Insta Transporto Technique to transport the group to the 88th Dimension, where The Enchanted Moonlight Festival In The Whispering Woods, will take place!

Now, if you haven’t experienced The Insta Transport Technique with me before, let me tell ya, you are in for a real treat!

The Insta Transport Technique was taught to me by Robey The Gnome back in July. It allows me to transport up to 100 people to the 88th Dimension – in 30 seconds or less! And all you need to do is just sit there, close your eyes, and do nothing else! It’s that easy!

And here’s the really cool part!

Without you needing to do anything, at all, the Insta Transport Technique automatically infuses you with Insto Visioino, which gives you the power to be able to clearly SEE and HEAR the fairies, as clearly as if you were all in a physical room together!

And believe me, it really works!

When You Arrive On The 88th Dimension

Aside from the group of fairies explaining to me that “Anyone in the presence of this fairy magic there will have their life magically changed forever”, here is pretty much word-for-word, what the group of fairies told me will happen at this incredible festival:

“Tana, imagine stepping into a realm where the ordinary world fades away, and the extraordinary takes its place. This is what awaits you when you arrive at The Enchanted Moonlight Festival In The Whispering Woods!

Upon arrival, attendees will be greeted by the soft glow of fairy lights, each hue representing a different aspect of life’s blessings. And the air will be filled with enchanting music, resonating with the very heartbeat of the earth.

A fairy performing the Infusion Ceremony on a small group of humans

Then after a few moments of small talk and getting acquainted with the other fairies….

The Festival Will Begin With A Ritual

The festival will begin with a ritual, where the fairies will guide you through a series of enchanting rituals. Each ritual is designed to align your spirit with the natural rhythms of the universe!

You’ll partake in dances around ancient stone circles, as you feel their power resonating through your feet. And as you move in harmony with the others, a sense of unity and connection to the world around you, will grow!

Then under the canopy of the starlit sky, you’ll be led through a guided meditation. This meditation isn’t just calming; it’s transformative, allowing your mind to connect with higher planes of existence, and opening pathways to profound insights and inner peace!

Next Will Be The Infusion Ceremony

A highlight of the event is where each attendee will undergo a personal infusion ceremony!

Here, the fairies channel the energies of the universe into each attendee. This process will not only protect you from negative influences but also amplify your innate talents and qualities!

Afterwards, you’ll feel invigorated, empowered, and ready to embrace your potential fully!

And Then The Protection And Blessings

As the convergence reaches its peak, a unique protective aura will be woven around each attendee. This isn’t just a barrier against negativity; it’s a magnet for positivity, drawing into your life, opportunities, love, health, and prosperity!

Throughout this event, expect to be swept up in a whirlwind of sensations and experiences!

Fairies sharing their magic knowledge and secrets with a small group of humans

You’ll hear music that resonates with your very soul, taste foods that seem to have been conjured from pure joy, and engage in conversations that open new doors of understanding!

Experience the life-changing magic of the fairies that will change your life forever! Click here and fill out this form to be considered for acceptance!


The Amazing Benefits Attendees Will Receive

The group of fairies told me anyone in attendance at “The Enchanted Moonlight Festival In The Whispering Woods” will find their hearts opening to deeper connections, in any and all areas of their life!

So here are just a few of the many positive changes a person will experience from attending this magical event:

 Unrivaled Success in Love and Relationships

– The fairies will weave a spell of harmony, ensuring that love will be both fulfilling and enduring for anyone who attends! Promising a profound enhancement in their love life, attracting soulmates, and deepening existing relationships!

– Existing relationships will be infused with renewed passion and understanding, while those seeking love will find their paths crossing with their soulmates and twin flames!

– The fairies will grant attendees the power to mend broken relationships, and to be universally admired and desired!

– Being in the presence of the fairies’ magic will also ensure that your relationships are grounded in mutual respect and genuine care!

Unprecedented Career Opportunities 

– You will find yourself at the crossroads of extraordinary opportunities! The fairies’ influence will open doors to coveted positions, leading projects, and innovative ventures. Networking opportunities will abound, connecting you with influential figures in your field!

– The convergence will magically amplify your professional skills. Whether it’s leadership, creativity, technical prowess, or strategic thinking, you will experience a significant boost in your abilities, setting you apart in your professional sphere!

– Entrepreneurs will gain heightened business acumen and financial insight, leading to profitable ventures and sustainable growth. They’ll also attract influential partnerships, expanding their business reach and success!

– This event promises not only professional success but also recognition. You will find your contributions more readily noticed and appreciated, leading to awards, commendations, and a stellar reputation within your field or industry!

Mastery Over Fate and Circumstances:

– You will gain a unique ability to influence your fate, turning even adverse situations to your advantage!

– This control over your life circumstances will not only provide you a sense of security, but also empower you to pursue ambitious goals with the assurance of success!

– This mastery over fate will also give you a coveted advantage, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with ease and confidence!

Fairies around a circle with children

A fairy teaching a group how to perfrom powerful fairy magic


Unparalleled Beauty and Youth

– The fairies’ magic will bestow upon you an enchanting aura of beauty and a youthful appearance, making you stand out in any crowd!

– This enhancement in your physical appearance will come with a boost in confidence and allure, leading you to advantageous social and romantic interactions.

– The fairies magic will give you lasting youth and beauty, along with eternal vitality and attractiveness!

PLUS you will also be bestowed with Amplified Personal Charisma and Influence, Superior Intellect and Creativity, and a whole lot more! 

This Will Be The Magical Experience Of A Lifetime

Imagine having the opportunity to attend a magical Fairy Festival that happens only once every 500 years! Where fairies will whisper their secrets of ancient magic, hidden realms, and joy with you!

And not only that, to be one of the few lucky who get to attend a rare event like this!

And as if that isn’t enough…

…your life is going to be abundantly blessed by the incredible fairy magic the fairies will perform on you!

Some of the things you will experience:

– The Enchanting Fairy Ritual designed to align your spirits with the natural rhythms of the universe!

– A Personal Infusion Ceremony that will protect you from negative influences and amplify your innate talents and qualities!

– Protection And Blessings which will act as a barrier against negativity, a magnet for positivity, and draw to you, positive opportunities, love, health, and prosperity!

– PLUS a whole lot more!

And this opportunity will NEVER happen again for another 500 years!

No matter if you want more out of life or are happier than you have ever been, what you are going walk away with after this powerful Fairy Festival will accelerate your life in such a positive way, so far ahead from where it is now, you won’t even recognize it!

So, make sure to fill out the form now to get accepted! 

How To Apply To Attend This Very Special Event

As you can see, being chosen to attend The Enchanted Moonlight Festival In The Whispering Woods is a huge honor, to say the least! Because honestly, how many people do you know who will able to say they were able to attend a magical, life-changing Fairy Festival on the 88th Dimension, that only happens once every 500 years?

After this evening is over, your life will be transformed, benefitted, and headed in an even more exciting direction, than before you attended this incredible festival!

This is as close to a real-life fairy tale as you can get!!

But the fairies want to make sure they are allowing safe people into their realm to attend this incredibly rare gathering!

So, you can apply to be part of this by clicking here NOW and filling out the form on my Psychic Reading page!

And once you fill out the form on my Psychic Reading Page, and I am given the okay, we will contact you right away and sign you up for this very special session!

If you’ve been reading my emails for any period of time, then you already know as I am advancing, so are the sessions I will be offering! Therefore, you already know, when it comes to The Enchanted Moonlight Festival In The Whispering Woods, I have never talked about anything like this before! This is a true once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Rarer than human wings, as the fairies like to say!

So, make sure not to miss this because it will never be offered again!

This will NEVER happen again! I can assure you of that. So, if you procrastinate, you will literally miss this opportunity of a lifetime. An event that is rarer than human wings!

So, click here now and fill out the form on my Psychic Reading Page, and you will receive an answer within two hours of submitting it!

I hope you are as excited about this as I was sharing it with you! And I can guarantee you, you are going to be blown away by this entire experience!

Thank you for letting me share this with you and I can’t wait to share this mind-blowing experience with you! 

In light and peace,

Tana Hoy

P.S. Here are my New Year Psychic Predictions for 2024

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