Here is a White Light Of Protection Technique to Try!

Hi there,

Did you know that whenever you feel worried or afraid, you can use white light to protect yourself?

Protecting yourself with white light is a powerful thing you can do, and white light is the energy that is part of the universe, and it is accessible to all living beings!

Here is a White Light protection technique you can use whenever you feel afraid!

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1. Stand straight, with your legs about 2 feet apart.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Place your hands palms up at your sides.

4. Imagine yourself being surrounded by a white light.

5. See it forming an oval shape around your body, and joining at your feet.

6. Realize that nothing but positive energy can penetrate this wall of white light.

7. Open your eyes.

8. You are now protected.

You will now be protected from any negative energy and this protection will last for about 12 hours.

Just repeat it again the next morning!

I hope this helps you!

In light and peace,

Tana Hoy

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3 Responses

  1. Lerrien Evans says:

    Thank you! I will practice using white light this way and also the way you shared with me during my reading. I appreciate your help!

  2. Sylvia Richardson says:

    I love the advice.

  3. Karen Lerman says:

    Thank you so much for your tip.

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