Here is my Love Horoscope For December 2019
The last few days have been quite amazing! Remember those angels I talked about a few emails ago? The ones who I visited during my Friday meditation?
Well, during my meditation this past Saturday, I took another astral travel to visit them again. I wanted to know if there is any other upcoming energy that will be affecting the planet, and there is going to be more, I wanted to know what it’s effects would be. I ended up spending over 6 hours in an astral state of meditation, and I was told of so many upcoming energy occurrences!
What They Told Me!
For example, in March and April, there is going to be a type of wealth energy that is going to surround the planet. This money-energy is going to be radiated downwards to the earth from Mercury. This energy will literally act as a vacuum and “suck in” wealth to the people who are energetically and auricily aligned with it!
Click here now to reserve your space for an energy grid overlay!
So they taught me an energetic grid pattern that can be overlaid onto the energy field of anyone. Once this energy grid has been overlaid onto a person’s aura, it will then act as a kind of web or net, trapping money in it as it flows towards a person.
How This Energy Grid Works
The energy being radiated from Mercury needs to be energetically connected to a person. This Mercurian energy actually looks like long vacuum hoses, and once connected to you, you will become like a prosperity vacuum.
Since the energy grid has been overlaid onto your aura, the grid acts like a vacuum bag, trapping the prosperity and wealth in it, once it starts flowing!
The angels trained me on how to create these energy grids, and how to connect the Mercurian hoses to other people! I spent over 3 hours being trained on Saturday, and another 4 hours on Sunday!
There went my weekend vacation – but it was well worth it! Very exciting stuff to learn!!!
Don’t miss out on this! Click here to start and fill out the form on my Psychic Reading page to start the flow of wealth into your life!
Energy Grid Overlays And Mercurian Portal Connections
So, I am going to be doing Prosperity Energy Grid Overlays, along with Mercurian Portal Connections (connecting the hoses to a person’s energy field)
I don’t know about you, but I was excited to learn about this!! In order to have time to do my psychic readings for my clients, I will only have 50 spaces open to do this work on the people who want to have more prosperity and abundance in their life!
The angels told me that this energy is going to be so powerful, some people could become very wealthy in a short period of time! As a matter of fact, during my training with those angels, they told me that the people who end up having this technique performed on them, are also going to be given 6 lucky power numbers that will be channeled directly from the Ascended Masters!
How cool is that??
By the way, they already gave me mine! I can actually feel their power every time I say each number out loud!
What You Need To Do Next
If you would like to have this powerful technique performed on you then you need to click here to start and fill out the form on my Psychic Reading page to reserve your space!!
As always, when I offer these special techniques, due to all the success my clients have had with them in the past, they fill up very quickly! So make sure to respond right away, so you don’t end up getting turned away!
The last few times I offered special sessions in the past, both times, over 100 other people responded to late – so they missed out completely! So make sure not to be one of them!!
I hope this was helpful to you!
In light and peace,
Tana Hoy
Call: 614-444-6334
P.S. Here’s my Love Horoscope for December 2019