Here’s Your Monthly Horoscope For March 2017
Hi there,
I hope your week is starting off good so far! You know, people email me all the time asking me about psychic readings, and if I think a psychic reading would benefit them!
People want to know if a psychic reading could help them with all kinds of things.
You might be surprised by some of the things people want to know if a reading could help them with, for example:
Dear Tana,
….to know if a reading be able to help me know if my little baby Tinkers, who is my adorable little french poodle, wants to be dyed cotton candy pink, or if she prefers hot pink….
Dear Tana,
….and I need to know if a psychic reading can tell me if my husband really is impotent or if he is just trying to avoid making love with me……
Dear Tana,
….can a reading tell me if I will spend a lot of time in prison for embezzling the money I got caught borrowing from my company……
Dear Tana,
…and I have $3 saved in my piggy bank. Can I get a physic reading for $3? I just want to know iff my daddy will come home safestly from Apganestan?
As you can see, I get all kinds of emails asking how a psychic reading can help them!
The last one was from a 7 year old girl and it was such a touching email to receive!
In case you are wondering, I emailed her free of charge, and let her know her daddy would get home “safestly”! I found out he returned home unexpectedly three days later, and he was just fine!
The answers to your problems are only a click away! Let me be your guide and help you find the answers!
Some of the above questions may seem silly to some people, but the truth is, they are very serious to the person who asked them. I treat every question as serious, because all people have different concerns that are important to them. No matter how silly them may seem to others!
So a psychic reading can answer any question you have. No matter how big or small it may seem. The most important thing I try to stress is that if it stresses you out, then it is an important question to know!
Stress is optional when you the answer is only a phone call away! Stress is not good for us, and recent studies have even proven that stress can cause cancer! So, get rid of the stress!
I hope this email was helpful for you!
In Light and peace,
Tana Hoy
To Schedule A Private Reading:
Call: 614-444-6334
P.S. Here is your Monthly Horoscope for March 2017
Have you (or anyone else for that matter) ever had a random being walk in during a reading? Not a loved one or associated angel or guide, I mean just a random being that’s still related but like… Someone that isn’t associated but relevant. Like an ascended master that neither part knew about or something like that?
That last one made me cry! Lol how sweet!!
Tana I hope you see this!! I talk to you in a few days I’m saving money and doing good!
I need to know if I’ll find a stable room to rent when I leave. My reading is in a few days!
So excited to talk with you! ❤️????
This reading couldn’t have come at a better time in my life, I’m so glad I scheduled it a while back.
I hope you can see really good in the reading!
Sending much love! ??? Candy
Thank you so much for honoring and valuing the humanity each person has. So rare to find these days. I grew up having my problems and concerns promptly dismissed by adults who always replied that I shouldn’t be so weak, needy, whiny, ungrateful, etc..because there was always someone else who had it worse. It never helped to hear that, and I would walk away feeling judged and diminished. It’s nice to know there are sensitive souls in this world who don’t feel compelled to belittle and humiliate people by dismissing their problems as trivial or silly.