Here’s your Love Horoscope for April 2022
I wanted to share with you an interesting email that I received the other day, and it made me think of a story that I wanted to share with you.
This email I received was about love and finding your soul mate. I wanted to share this email with you:
Dear Tana,
I’ve felt lonely for a very long time. It seems like no matter what I do, or how hard I try, I am not meeting the wrong type of guy! I’ve tried dating services, personal ads, online dating websites, going to singles groups, and any other thing you can think of!
It seems that no matter what I do, I have trouble meeting guys! Men usually find me attractive, but for some reason, I have trouble meeting men!
After having my psychic reading with you, you explained to me the role of karma in my life, and you also explained to me that I was sending out the wrong kinds of love signals, due to my aura being misaligned. You explained to me what I needed to do to change this, then you gave me the name of a gemstone to purchase, which I did. I did everything that you explained to me, and then suddenly, my love life turned around – just like magic!
I met a guy who looked exactly like you described him, and we are engaged now to be married! You also predicted that too! I am waiting to get married so that we can work on having the boy and girl you told me we would have! So exciting!!
I wanted to thank you for all your help!
I also wrote this email, is because I am sure that I’m not the only one who has struggled with this. So I thought that maybe by writing you, you could write about this so that it might also help others who are struggling with the same love problems I was!
Thank you for everything Tana,
Jenny C – Tuscon, AZ
If you have problems with your love life, I specialize in helping people find their soulmates! Click here NOW to schedule a psychic reading and let me help you!
Her Email Got Me To Thinking
Her email got me thinking about many things regarding love. And the timing was uncanny because I just met with St. Germain and secured this exact same thing! (I’ll talk about our meeting in a minute).
This is a common problem that I often find my clients have: attractive women having trouble meeting the kinds of people that they want to meet.
There can be many reasons for this. For example:
– Your aura could be out of alignment.
– It could also be caused by something in your past lives. Because oftentimes, what you’ve done in the past life, people in this life will do the same things to you in this one.
So if you see a repeating or recurring pattern in your life, you can be pretty sure that it’s due to past life karma.
During one of my recent astral travels, while I was visiting with St. Germain, he explained to me many things that can affect your love life.
I was shown there could be several factors causing you not to have success in love.
Karma and your aura being misaligned, are just two of the problems that can cause this.
But there are several other factors problematic factors that can also be involved.
He explained to me that when I do a reading for a client, the first thing I can do is look at their auric keystone, then look at their soul core, and then look at their Akashic Records.
Having given readings for over 23 years, I was surprised to learn this is very powerful information that he taught me. This is why astral travel for at least eight hours every Saturday. To keep growing and learning from the ascended masters
Being single is easy to change, once you figure out what is preventing you from having the love you dream about! Don’t be alone any longer! Schedule a psychic reading and change your life once and for all!
So once I see the root cause that is preventing you from having success in love, at that point, it’s a pretty easy fix.
Then all you will need to do is follow the suggestions that I give you. This could involve purchasing a gemstone on eBay, or working with a mantra, among a few other simple things.
But as long as you take a few simple steps, you will find your love life will turn around – just like magic.
A Very Powerful Love Technique You Can Use
When you are alone at night, around 10 PM p.m. is the best time to do this.
1. Silently in your mind, call out to St. Germain.
2. Ask him if the reason you’ve been having problems with love is due to your aura being misaligned, your soul core, or something involving one karma from one of your past lives.
3. Then silently pay attention to your gut feelings, and you will know if any of these things are what’s preventing you from finding a true soulmate.
4. If you get the “answer” or “feeling” that any of these things are preventing you from finding your soulmate, then don’t worry any longer, because I will easily be able to help you with that!
Just contact me at that point, and we can set up a time together and turn it all around!
Thanks for reading my email today!
In light and peace,
Tana Hoy
Visit my website:
Call my office at 614-444-6334
P.S. If you need help finding answers to your love life, or any problems that you’re facing, then click here so that we can schedule a private psychic reading together. A reading will give you all the information and answers that you need, and show you exactly what you need to do to have the success in your life that you desire.
P.S.S. Here’s your Love Horoscope for April 2022