Here’s your Love Horoscope For January 2019
Hi there,
Last Saturday, I astrally projected for around 13 hours, and it was amazing! So exciting!
What I Also Learned On My Last 13 Hour Astral Travel
According to what I was also told by the Ascended Masters, 2019 is going to be The Year of Love! So many people who have been looking for their soulmate will be finding that special someone in 2019, if not sooner!!
As a matter of fact, 2019 is also going to bring healing to people’s love lives on a deep, past life level, IF people are aware what they need to heal from their past lives!
But having this awareness is the KEY to healing anything, so a Past Life reading can give a person this awareness they need into their past lives, along with pointing out towards the area of their past lives that needs healed.
My guides explained to me how our past lives can affect our current life, because we carry any and all unresolved karma from our past lives, into this lifetime. Therefore, unresolved karma, along with our own subconscious blocks, can prevent a person from finding their true love in this lifetime!
Have you ever wondered who you were in a past life, or what might have happened in your past life that caused the struggles you are currently having in this one? A Past Life reading can help you resolve your past life problems, and help you start living the life you want to live! Click here to schedule your Past Life reading now!
People Struggle In Love
So if you’ve struggled finding the right person, or finding a relationship that will “finally work out” with someone who will “finally stick around”, then you might want to delve into your past lives, because chances are, the answers to why you have had these problems will more than likely be found there.
The solutions to these problems will also be discovered during your past life reading! Because anything that happened in a past life, also contains the answers for resolving the problems in this life!
A Moving Love Story
I once had a client who had several failed relationships. At only 32, she was already ready to throw in the towel on love! As a last resort, she called my office, and set up a Past Life reading.
I will never forget her reading. After delving into several of her past lives, I could easily see why she had so many failed love relationships!
Her past lives were full of infidelity – but surprisingly, she was the one unfaithful in all of her past lives! So all these men she previously meet in this life, came back to do the exact same thing to her. There were literally over 75 people from all of her accumulated past lives, who she had cheated on!
If we hadn’t had her reading, she would have had about 60 more failed relationships to go thru in this lifetime, before paying off all her karmic debt and finally being able to find her one true love!
Luckily, during her Past Life reading, I was able to remove many of the unpaid karmic debts still left to pay, and also clean up some other areas of bad karma she had accumulated!
After our session, she said she felt something was different inside, and that she felt lighter! I received an email from her just two months later, and she told me she felt she had possibly met the one.
That was over two years ago, and they have now been married over a year, with a set of twins on the way! It made me feel so good knowing I was able to help her!
There Are Solutions!
So if you have love problems, money problems, career problems, and even certain health situations, many times they can be easily resolved with a Past Life reading. A Past Life reading can put you back on the track to success in your life!
I rarely offer this special type of reading. But I am currently opening up spaces in my schedule for Past Life readings. So if you feel like this type of reading could help you too, please click here now and fill out the form on my Psychic Reading page to schedule a Past Life Reading.
In light and peace,
Tana Hoy
P.S. Here’s your Love Horoscope For January 2019