Horoscope For October 2012
This month might bring you stressful situations; however, you are being reminded by the Universe not to let worrying consume you. Stress is not good for your health, and it only aggravates the situation even more. Just calmly focus on doing what you can, and the situation will improve sooner than you expect.
Taurus (April 21 to May 21)
Happiness and comfort mark this month for you. Do not be surprised if people seem to be warming up to you, and want to be in your presence. Your cheerful energies are drawing them to you! Also, if you are traveling anywhere this month, it will surely be a pleasurable trip.
Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
Some sort of trouble will arise this month, but do not let it rattle you. Take a step back, instead of trying to escape or dealing with it head on. Carefully review the situation, and do not allow yourself to be pressured to act, by what others might think or say. When you feel ready, you will then be more prepared to confront the issue.
Cancer (June 22 to July 22)
This month is very promising for you. Your honest efforts concerning an important task or mission will start paying off significantly. You will find that your next steps will be much easier to take, because the situation will seem to shape itself according to what you have in mind.
Leo (July 23 to August 21)
Fortune will seem to be withheld from you during the first half of the month, but take heart. Just keep doing what you can, and stick to your well-trusted plans. You will see the fruits of your labor soon enough. Do not give up – because you will succeed. You just need to be steadfast and dedicated.
Virgo (August 22 to September 23)
You are likely to encounter people this month who will try to use you, or put you down. However, you will be able to successfully brush them aside before their schemes can work against you. Just keep your cool, and don’t allow their remarks and opinions get to you.
Libra (September 24 to October 23)
Unexpected fortune is on its way to you this month. You also seem to be bursting with good energies, and those around you will reflect these good energies back to you. Many people will want to share their blessings with you, adding even more good energy to yours.
Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)
Obstacles may be in your path, but do not allow yourself to be discouraged by them. You might be enticed into taking the easy way out, but this will only stir up more trouble for you in the form of gossip. What you need to do is to handle one obstacle at a time, and you will rise above the expectations of everyone, including your own.
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 22)
There may be some difficulties you need to deal with this month. However, know that you are not the only one troubled by them. In fact, a number of people involved in the same situation are looking to you for effective solutions. This is a great opportunity for you to take the lead and be in control.
Capricorn (December 23 to January 20)
You could hear some unfavorable news this month that might make you feel irritable and easily annoyed. Take a lot of deep breaths, and be patient and slow to react. When moving forward, organize everything around you – your schedules, your desk, your home. This will keep your mind off the negativity, and you will feel good about your more orderly life.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)
This month will make you a hero among your friends. Some of them will have minor troubles to deal with, while others will have conflicts among themselves. Without much effort, you will be able to help them resolve their issues. In the process, you will discover that you have unknowingly paved the way for your desires to come to you more easily.
Pisces (February 20 to March 20)
You are required to pay attention to your health this month. Apart from eating right and getting enough sleep, keeping your worries away will significantly save you from any serious health problems. So, do not let troublesome thoughts dwell in your mind. Whenever you feel them lurking close by, shift your focus to other things, including the people you feel happy about.
I always find a silver lining on the horoscopes you send out. Thank you so much for working so hard on them .
Dear Tana,
I just received my horoscope for October,again. Was this supposed to be for November?
Thanks so much for all of your informative emails as I enjoy reading them.