How to receive a powerful Love Mantra
Hi there,
Many times during a psychic reading, my clients want to know if the person they love is the right one or the wrong one for them.
The first thing I do is to look into their Akashic Records because you can find all the answers to that question there!
What I often find is that when someone wants to know if the person they love is the right one for them or not, it is because they don’t feel like they are getting the love from that person that they need!
I often say that love is like a plant. It needs water and sunshine to grow. If you neglect either of these things, it wilts, and eventually dies! The same is true in a relationship.
It needs to be watered with love, kind deeds, and loving actions, and it needs the sunshine of embrace, intimacy, and joy, to grow. Unfortunately, when relationships don’t get “watered”, the “sunshine” goes away.
Don’t worry any longer about love once I create your Love Mantra and tell you the right gemstone to carry with you, things will begin turning around easier than you think! Click here and visit my Psychic Reading Page to fill out the form and receive my help!
It is important to not forget to have fun because when there are problems in love, everything suddenly becomes all serious.
At that point, both people focus only on the problems that exist, and forget to remember to have fun! Seriousness all the time kills love – and feelings of intimacy!
I always tell my clients during a reading, “No matter what problems exist – always remember to bring in the fun too!”
Your Love Mantra
What I enjoy most when I am reading for a client, is that once I am tuned into their energy, I am able to recommend the right gemstones for them to use, along with a powerful “love mantra”, designed specifically for them, that they can use.
When they use just these two things, they find that their relationships start to turn around, and the love starts coming back between them – almost like magic!
This isn’t magic! It is simply using the right energies of the right gemstone for you and your situation, and then using a “love mantra” to manifest the desired results.
Using these two things together invokes the supportive powers of the Universe. When done correctly, the Universe responds by fulfilling your wishes and desires!
I can show you how to invoke the power of the Universe, and turn any love problem into a problem of the past! You just need to have the right gemstone, and a “love mantra” that is designed specifically for your situation.
So, if you’d like to have my Spirit Guides create the perfect Love Mantra just for you, and then tell you the right gemstone you need to carry Click here and visit my Psychic Reading Page to fill out the form and receive my help!
Once you have those two things, that’s when the love magic will begin for you, too!
Looking forward to helping you create a powerful Love Mantra just for you!
In light and peace,
Tana Hoy
P.S. Click here and let me help you resolve your love problems!