An Important Universal Law To Understand
Have you ever realized that when life seems to be going good, it goes really good! But when it seems to be going bad, it goes really bad?
The reason this happens is due to a Universal Law called the Law Of Equalization!
The Universal Law Of Equalization
What this law states is that everything in life must be in balance, because if we only had good things happen in our lives, we would never spiritually grow, since growth comes from our challenges.
And if everything bad happened in life, we would never experience joy.
So this Universal Law keeps everything in balance!
You can see it play out in all aspects of life. A flower blooms and then the bloom wilts and dies, getting ready for the next bloom to come again! When there is sunshine, there will also be rain, and then sunshine again.
And a favorite buddhist quote of mine which states “Winter always turns to Spring”, which means that no matter what challenges we face in life, they will always get better!
So whenever you are faced with a hard or challenging time, always remember that it WILL get better. It has to get better, because “getting better” is part of the natural Universal Law.
If you have challenges in life and need some answers, a psychic reading will help you understand exactly what you need to do to make things better! Click here now to schedule your reading with me!
And when things are going good, learn to cherish the good moments, because they too, will change into challenging times, once again!
The Importance Of Understanding This Universal Law
By understanding this Universal Law, we not only gain hope that things will get better when times are bad, we also learn to cherish and not take for granted to good times in life, learning to savor and enjoy them, with the knowledge that the good times will also not last forever.
Life is an ebb and flow of good times and challenges, each designed to help us grow in our lives!
So when you are faced with a challenge, remember “Winter always turns to Spring”
I hope you found this helpful!
In light and peace,
Tana Hoy
If you would like to have a psychic reading with me, you can schedule a reading by visiting here or calling my office at 614-444-6334
P.S. I must have written this specifically for someone today, because my guides impressed heavily on me to write this! Whoever you are, I hope it gave you comfort and peace when you read this!
Thank you Tana. It was probably written for me. Thanks!
Thank you for that message Tana, it has seemed like there’s only down and bad lately, I needed to be reminded to cherish the good times and the bad times won’t last forever.
Thanks Tana, knowing this helps put things into perspective. I’m very thankful for all the good but I do realize that it’s those difficult times an challenging struggles which seems to define you sometimes they really can test us.Having Faith an reconizin it to will last like a season helps me to do the best I can while embracing these difficult times . I’m very thankful for you Tana,I’ve learned alot an you have enriched my life tremendously you are a good friend to have! ☺
Thank you very much Vincent! Have a great weekend! 🙂
I think this could be for so many people at this time however I know for certain its me… Maybe it is meant for many of us out here that are waiting for spring! 🙂
I am so thank full for you Tana and i am so glad you are in my life! I am really needing to talk to you though..
Thank you for the reminder…I have been telling myself for quite some time that “It can only get better!” I am still working towards that day, but hopefully we will reach a turning point soon with the 2 year battle with state disability and then again on the most important turning point for my family on April 13th. I look forward to seeing good changes for everyone.
I’m owed some good things then. You’re right when you say that when too many bad things happen it makes life not very appealing. I have spent most of my life struggling to find some small slivers of happiness and my soul is just always tired.