Psychic Predictions for June 2016 – by Tana Hoy
My psychic predictions for June 2016 reflect the current energy of the planet, which is all over the place.
Here are my latest Psychic Predictions for June 2016. These psychic predictions are going to be a bit all over the place, because the energy of the planet is a bit all over the place right now too!
So these predictions reflect the current energy of the planet. I hope you enjoy reading them, and I appreciate all the emails letting me know when my psychic predictions happen!
Hollywood and Entertainment
Hollywood star John Travolta is going to be in the news again.
There is going to be the passing of yet another well-known country star. Country Western music will feel a great loss due to his passing.
There will be the passing of an older comedian who has been a legend in the world of comedy. Many comedians will mourn the passing of this great legend.
John Travolta is going to be in the news again, when a few males come forward complaining about his sexual advances towards them. He will deny these “rumors” once more.
North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory will face hard times as a result of his having signed House Bill 2 into law.
North Carolina is going to sink into an economic depression, due the latest anti-gay Hate Bill passed by their Governor, Pat McCrory. He will go down in North Carolina history as the worst governor who ever governed the state. Rumors will also surface that he is fact, a closeted homosexual himself.
Ted Cruz will find he doesn’t do well throughout the rest of his campaign, and he will eventually drop out of the race.
A well-known Republican politician is going to shock many people in Washington, when he comes out as a gay man! Even several people who are close to him will be shocked, due to not having had a clue about his sexual preference.
World Events
More bombings are going to take place around the world. You should avoid traveling to Indonesia, Dubai, and Egypt, and parts of Europe, until October 2016.
There will be a plane crash in Europe that is going to surprise many people. Speculations will be a possible terrorist hijacking, but it will be discovered it was due to pilot error. Drugs found in the pilot’s bloodstream will be discovered to be the culprit.
The Pope is going to surprise us again with his seemingly liberal attitudes, but followed by his conservative views. He is going to speak out against transgendered people, causing uproar all over the world due to his insensitive comments.
Love and Relationships
Marriages and engagements are going to be on the rise between the spring and summer of 2016.
Marriages and engagements are going to be on the rise between the spring and summer of 2016. So if you are hoping to be engaged soon, the energy is just around the corner for this to happen.
Divorce rates are going to be at an all time low in the latter part of 2016. People experiencing serious relationship problems can expect to see them suddenly start to work out. Expect miracles where love is concerned, between October and December 2016.
The best times to meet a soulmate are going to be in the month of June. June is the month to really get out and about and meet as many people as you can, or you will miss this opportunity. June is a perfect month for joining speed dating.
Science and Medicine
Within three years, a new drug will be on the market that cures the HIV virus.
A cure for HIV will be around the corner, as I had predicted before. Within three years, a new drug will be on the market that cures the HIV virus.
New discoveries will be made related to Type 1 Diabetes. A new drug will be released which will allow people with this type of diabetes to no longer take shots, but instead, only a pill, once or twice a day.
A new disease is going to be discovered, and again, it will have its roots in Africa. This disease is going to attack the nervous system of its victims, causing them to have difficult breathing.
Expect harsh summers in the western parts of the United States, along with Utah, and Mississippi. The State of California will not be affected by this weather.
Russia is going to experience some of the harshest weather in its entire history. Several people will perish due to these extreme conditions.
I hope you enjoyed reading my latest psychic predictions.
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You can also click here to read last month’s predictions.
Don’t suppose you know anything of the EU referendum? I’m not that into politics but I’m interested in the outcome. I understand if you and/or other psychics cannot interfere with political affairs of other countries for ethical reasons. Such a large scale event could have major economical, energetic and other effects.
I’m just going to assume the remain campaign wins as there is no mention of significant change. They are already in the lead and have been for a while, but just barely.
I am hoping that Britain chooses to leave, I have seen some predictions saying we go, some saying we stay.
Europe is going to fall apart eventually, it simply can’t last.
Interesting, I live in Dubai..the possible bomb threat? Sending positive energy all out.
As always I enjoy reading your predictions. I hope they speed the cure for type 1 diabetes up along , I know so many children that have it and both them and the parents suffer. Thank you for taking the time to do these I enjoy seeing them come to fruition. ?
I have an idea of that comedian that is in bad shape. We’ll see if we agree. Enjoy your predictions.
Tana, I am not surprised about John Travolta, I still like him. I live in Monterey County and in the last ten years, maybe more, I have heard that John was in the Carmel area with a male companion getting cozy. I thought maybe he was bisexual, with an open marriage? He is very attractive and talented, I hope that he does what makes him happy. I like his wife, but maybe they have grown apart. Nothing surprises me anymore. Except maybe alians invading someones body. Thank you for your emails. God bless you.
I’d just like to know when there will be a cure for all forms of dementia? I work in long term care and I feel that any form of dementia is just heartbreaking to watch happen.
Do some research into food and dementia. 🙂
Could you tell me some psychic predictions on how Prince really died (April 21,2016)? Can you also do more psychic predictions on Beyonce and Jay-Z, and Alicia Keys?
I like to say thx for always giving us monthly psychic predictions.
Is it David letterman?
That was what I thought for some reason
Hope not
Oh my goodness! Could it be Willie Nelson the country singer? As far as Comedic legends go, Don Rickles and Jerry Lewis comes to mind. Thank you Tana for posting these monthly predictions.
No! The country musician dead is Ralph Stanley, a bluegrass musician. I don’t know of any comedians that have died yet.
Well, now we know that the older comedy legend was Gene Wilder. 🙁