My Latest Psychic Predictions For 2016 (November Release)
My predictions this month show that energies all over the planet are going to be vibrating at a different energy resonation.
Here are my latest psychic predictions for November 2016. This month’s psychic predictions are going to be interesting. With the elections just around the corner, the energies all over the planet are going to be vibrating at a different energy resonation.
So here are my latest psychic predictions:
Brad Pitt is going to have more dark secrets come to surface.
Brad Pitt is going to have more dark secrets come to surface that are going to shock the public. People will be surprised he could act in the ways revealed.
It is going to be discovered that Kim Kardashian has a side to her that has been hidden from her fans. She will be exposed as being involved in some shady behavior.
An unexpected illness is going to strike a well-known Hollywood figure. This illness will not result in death, but it will appear that way when first announced.
A major scandal is going to come to surface about Donald Trump.
A major scandal is going to come to surface about Donald Trump involving some secrets he has tried to keep hidden from the world.
A Republican senator is going to get busted in a drug purchasing deal gone bad.
Two Democratic officials are going to do or say something very unexpected that is going to shock many people!
World Events
Putin will agitate to have nuclear weapons surrounding Russia to be removed.
There is going to be a build up of heated tensions between the United States and Russia. This will be the result of the recent communication between Trump and Putin. It will involve the US having nuclear weapons surrounding Russia, and Putin will want to have them removed.
North Korea will push the boundaries with nuclear testing. Eventually, the US, along with a few other countries, will start taking steps to eliminate Kim Jung-un.
The Middle East is going to go through a “quiet period”. Meaning things are going to be calmer than normal there for a short period of time. But then, things are going to flare back up – some may say even worse than before.
Medical Discoveries
Within 2 years we will not only have a vaccine to prevent HIV, but also a treatment to heal people who are HIV positive.
A mystery fungus that lives in people’s homes is going to be discovered. It’s going to found that this fungus actually helps some people overcome certain types of allergies.
The new testing of a drug that will eliminate the HIV virus in the body of an infected person is going to be found very promising. Within 2 years we will not only have a vaccine to prevent HIV, but also a treatment to heal people who are HIV positive.
A cure for a deadly type of cancer will be announced to be in experimental stages. Although it will take several years before the cure is successful.
Parts of Russia are going to be hit with one of the coldest winters ever. Several lives will be lost as a result of this. [wiki file image]
Parts of Russia are going to be hit with one of the coldest winters ever. Several lives will be lost as a result of this.
The Western and Southwestern parts of the US are going to experience warmer “winters” than usual. Some states will hit record highs for this time of year.
Any investments related to the beauty industry will be stronger.
The US economy is going to be stronger than ever throughout the remaining months of 2016. Expect most investments to do well, especially any investments related to the beauty industry.
The Japanese yen is going to drop in value. This is going to cause a major financial crash in the country.
The economy in France is going to boom. So much so, many people will want to move there from the US.
There will be talk about genetically crossbreeding a cat and a dog, to create a cat-dog type of pet. This experiment will be discovered to be impossible, due to the lack of knowledge we currently have for this kind of crossbreeding.
A new type of very advanced 3D video system using a visual headset is going to be in the works. The 3D experience will be so advanced it will look like something out of Star Trek.
UFO activity is going to be on the rise for the rest of 2016. Expect some undeniable sightings. Although as always, the government will try to claim they were anything other than UFO sightings.
These are my psychic predictions for November 2016. I hope you enjoyed them, and if you’d like to read my psychic predictions for last month, you can click here!
You can also find out what your future holds and get any questions you have answered by setting up a psychic reading. To schedule a psychic reading, you can click here.
Hi Tana,
I’m from East Malaysia, Sarawak. Im a chinese and i read your website and blog and gets to know that you can read past karma. I struggle this year financially and not sure why. I went to temple and church to pray for myself. I always like to try to help the poor by giving donations but the fact is I myself are unlikely to offer any financial helps. I went to read my own Horoscope or even seek Astrologist to view my reading. But I still do not know why? Can you help?
Hi Susan,
Please contact my office and schedule a reading with me, I can help you. You can contact my office by filling out the form on my Psychic Reading page.
The Miscellaneous sections seems to be the most interesting part.
On a sidenote:
I’m neither surprised with the Kim Kardashian or Kim Jung Un incidents. Kim K’s life is just a roll of drama through and through and Kim J is just well…. Textbook dictator.
I don’t really see the purpose of a cat and dog hybrid. From an investigative standpoint I suppose it’s worth the scientific value but ultimately hybrid biology should probably focus on more relevant or purposeful endeavours.
They already have various 3D headsets out. HTC VIVE, Playstation VR etc, though these are gaming visual headsets, though I guess they’ll be rolling out like smartphones did back in the day. Just constant releases.
I can only speculate what the UFO’s are up to. I know that Co5 (Council of 5 which includes one of my favourite races, the Emerther) would be making a debut in 2017 perhaps. That’s not entirely confirmed though. Another main theory is of course GFL (Galactic Federation of Light).
We’ll just have to wait and see.
If you don’t know what either of them are. A few links here.
Council of 5:
Scroll down till you see the subheading “Council of 5”
If you’re already aware of what they or either of them are, then I hope you’re as excited as I am.
Thank you Sam for sharing this!
Love your predictions!! Always on the spot!
Thank you Pmaria!
So does that mean the midwest will not have a harsh winter??
I think you should see this:
What do you think? It proves your Trump prediction.
Well Tana,
Hilary Clinton lost the election and now we have an orange president in office. Well I guess your spirit guides were off by an hare.
Please check out my response of my facebook page
I thought Hillary Clinton was definitely going to win this election what happened???
Yes, what happened today really?
Confused about Trump being new president after long predictions saying the opposite.
Please check out my response of my facebook page
This isn’t right….I thought you saw Hillary Clinton win the election!
Please check out my response of my facebook page
Yes — what happened to your “Hilary will be president of the United States?” Or are you just going to ignore that and hope no one noticed? You should address how you got this wrong.
Please check out my response of my facebook page
Wong wong wong wong………we have a Drumpf and a hooker for a president and first lady.
Hi Tana,
I have been following you for some time. I have just been watching footage of another devastating earthquake to hit New Zealand, not far from the 2011 massive quake. I would like if it is at all possible to get your thoughts/predictions of what is happening or likly to happen to this beautiful country.