Which Would You Choose? A Free Psychic Quiz- by Tana Hoy
I created this free Psychic Quiz because I am always curious what people think about when it comes to being able to possess certain psychic powers! So I started to wonder “If you could develop one psychic power, which of the following would you choose?”
Psychic Poll
Which Would You Choose?
Would you rather have the ability to do:
A. The psychic power to walk on levitate?
B. The psychic power to walk on water ?
Something To Think About
If you could levitate, you could rise above it all, see the world from a different perspective, float places, instead of walking.
If you could walk on water, you could get places faster, not have to drive across bridges, and you could enjoy the oceans, lakes, ponds, and other water ways of the world from a different perspective.
So which psychic power would you rather possess, and why? Also, in what positive way would you use that psychic power to help others, if you possessed it!
Please comment below and share your thoughts with everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading my free psychic quiz!