Today’s Free Psychic Quiz for 1-22-17
I created my free Psychic Quiz because I am always curious what people think about when it comes to being able to possess certain psychic powers! So I started to wonder “If you could develop one psychic power, which of the following would you choose?”
Which Would You Choose?
Which Psychic Power Would You Choose?
Would you choose to have the psychic power to:
A. The psychic gift to create world peace instantly?
B. The psychic gift to end war forever?
Something To Think About
BEFORE answering this question, think about each of them and then decide: which would you choose AND how would you use it to benefit yourself, and others?
THEN after choosing your answer, comment below and share your thoughts with everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading my free psychic quiz!
If you enjoyed this quiz, and would like to learn more about your future, I invite you to have a psychic reading where I can show you what lies ahead in your future. You can visit here to schedule your psychic reading now!
What’s the difference? Peace is the opposite of war or visa versa, unless you’re referring to all variations of conflict.
Just.. A.. since it’s essentially broader.
world peace-instantly. So just BAMMM -everyone would stop and say-hey this is no good–we are are all connected we are all here having an experience on earth.
Peace in the hearts of all humans could lead them to concentrate on other things and perhaps conquer other problems -like starvation or disease. Peace might turn into an amazing avalanche of spiritual awakening.
“A”nd what a spectacular world it would be 🙂
Both are a hard selection to choose from. To end war forever does that mean all wars or a current war. World peace in itself would end war forever saying that the world peace was forever that is. If world peace is fleeting than wars will commence once again.
Definitely A
We all need to be at peace ,then we should all thrive and the idea of war shouldn’t happen