A Psychic, A Medium, and A Psychic Medium – What’s the Difference?
The metaphysical is closely related to the supernatural, although they are not the same. What makes them similar, though, is the fact that both the metaphysical and the supernatural deal with objects and events beyond existing and logical knowledge.
In the world of metaphysical phenomena, you have psychics, mediums, and psychic mediums. While these three titles may sound the same, there are actually small but significant characteristics that make all three distinct from one another.
As you know, I am both a psychic and a medium, and have been one for as long as I can remember.
I am going to explain to you in this article the qualities that serve to distinguish a psychic from a medium, and a psychic and a medium, from a psychic medium.
What I have to tell you will not only increase your knowledge about the metaphysical world, but also show you which kind of psychic you will want to consult, when you have questions about the Spirit World.
Intuitives and the Metaphysical: A Definition of Terms
Intuitive is a general term used in describe a person whose powers of intuition are pronounced. However, everyone alive, without exception, has some form of intuition.
Intuition has been extensively defined here in my blog, because I use it all the time. It’s an integral part of who I am, and what I do, as a psychic medium.
Here’s the definition I gave of intuition in my article titled Gut Feeling: Psychic Messages From Your Guides And Angels:
Gut feeling, instinct, sixth sense, premonition, or intuition are all names that refer to the same thing: psychic feelings.
Intuition is when you have a “strange feeling” that something is going to happen (and it does), or you make a certain decision because you “just know” it’s the right choice, even if there’s no rhyme or reason behind it. It’s when your psychic senses whisper (or maybe even yell) in the back of your mind to pay attention to them.
Although intuition is often called psychic feelings, it doesn’t necessarily always involve emotions. It’s more of a “sense of knowing.”
In short, when you “intuit” something, it is your extra-sensory perception kicking into action.
This means you are able to sense things, beyond what your five senses – hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and feeling (skin) – are able to give you.
Intuition is instinctive. Some people, such as a psychic, a medium, or a psychic medium, have stronger intuition than others do. That’s why they are known as intuitives. However, it doesn’t mean that only an intuitive has intuition. It’s just more developed in them.
What about the metaphysical?
Metaphysical things and situations are closely related to the supernatural, although they are not the same. What makes them similiar, though, is the fact that both the metaphysical and the supernatural deal with objects and events beyond existing and logical knowledge.
The core of metaphysics, in particular, is a knowledge of things that do not exist in 3-dimensional reality (length, width, and height), but do exist, just the same.
What is a Psychic?
To put their second sight into practice, some psychics may rely on using tools such as astrological charts, crystal balls, tarot cards, among others.
Among the intuitives, a Psychic is a person who has precognitive abilities, also known as second sight. A psychic uses this second sight to help others in any of the following ways:
By predicting the future
By reading the past
By making sense of the present
To put their second sight into practice, some psychics may rely on using tools such as astrological charts, crystal balls, and tarot cards, among others.
Telepathy is another ability that psychics may possess, although not all psychics possess it.
A brief definition of telepathy can be found in my article titled “How Telepathy Can Be Used To Read Minds”:
Telepathy occurs when your thoughts are sent and received by the mind of someone else, without using any physical means to do so.
Many people are already highly familiar with what a psychic is capable of doing, and can explain on their own how psychics are able to help them.
What is a Medium?
Mediums are persons who can act as the channel between people still alive on earth, and beings from the Spirit World.
The common understanding of who a Medium is, and what a medium does, is not as well understood, compared to that of a psychic.
A Medium communicates with the loved ones on the Other Side. Mediums are the ones who possess this gift and expertise.
A medium is a person who can act as the channel between people still alive on earth, and beings from the Spirit World.
It should be noted that it is not only the souls of the dearly departed who are in the Spirit World. Other beings in the Spirit World include fairies, elves, and other nature spirits.
Your Guardian Angels are also a part of the Spirit World.
The same goes for the Ascended Masters and your Spirit Guides, along with all other beings who live in the Spirit World, but can only talk directly to people who have the training, gift, or knowledge, to talk to them and hear them when they speak.
So, remember, a Medium can communicate with souls of the departed, but they are not the only ones a Medium can communicate with when delivering messages from the Spirit World.
What is a Psychic Medium?
A psychic medium has the combined abilities of both the psychic and the medium.
A psychic medium has the combined abilities of both the psychic and the medium.
In my article titled The Differences Between a Psychic Reader and a Psychic Medium, the main differences between a psychic medium and a psychic reader are presented (note: a psychic who is not a medium is also sometimes called as a “psychic reader”).
The existence of psychic mediums as an important part of society, since ancient times, was also discussed in that article:
The psychic medium is not only precognitive, or has the ability to foresee future events, but he also has a more highly developed psychic sense than an ordinary psychic reader. Most psychic mediums are clairvoyant (has the capacity to see spirits), clairaudient (has the capacity to hear sounds coming from the spiritual world) and clairsentient (has a very sensitive sense of feeling). Possessing these psychic abilities, psychic mediums are the perfect messengers for unseen beings who are trying to communicate with us here on earth.
In different cultures, mediums play a very important role in their respective communities. For the American Indian tribes, for example, the shaman, or spirit doctor, serves as their primary advisor when it comes to spirituality and community affairs. The shaman helps the community by serving as the mediator between members of the community, and their gods and ancestors.
In ancient Israel, the prophets serve as the spokesmen for the Almighty God. From Moses, to John the Baptist, and even the apostles of Jesus Christ, these highly spiritual men had become the intermediary between the spiritual and physical realms. The messages, which they received from the divine spirit, and from God himself, were passed on to the members of their communities as messages for enlightenment and spiritual advancement.
Knowing the differences between a Psychic, a Medium, and a Psychic Medium, puts you in a better position to determine which intuitive would be of most help to you.
Don’t forget, if you need advice about your future or your relationships, I can always give you my psychic guidance. To schedule a psychic reading with me, simply fill out the form you’ll find here.
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