Women’s Intuition: Is It A Psychic Ability?
Intuition is not exclusive to women. Males have it too, but their ability is not as pronounced as that of females. So, it is a characteristic mostly associated with women.
Is there anything to the words “women’s intuition”? What could be behind the long-held belief that women are more in command of their intuition than men are? Can all women call up their intuition on demand, or does her intuition only make itself felt when there is a strong need to do so? Is intuition a psychic ability exclusive to the female gender?
A Brief Introduction to Intuition
Not everyone understands what intuition is. In fact, if you were to randomly ask people what intuition is, the possibilities are good that you’d get several different answers.
The most common answers that you’d probably receive could be any of the following:
- “Intuition? There’s no such thing!”
- “I think it’s like… wishful thinking?”
- “Maybe it has to do with being jealous. A lot. Or all the time!”
- “I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never seen it in action.”
- “I believe in it, and my intuition has never been wrong.”
Although intuition is a reality in the lives of many, people’s reactions to it range from full belief and trust, to outright denial.
One of the reasons for this is that intuition is a psychic ability.
You know that the physical senses do not define psychic ability. That’s the main reason it’s called psychic – the ability exists on a level beyond what is material or physical. It involves Extra Sensory Perception or ESP.
Does this mean intuition is all about gut feelings, or that it is purely emotion based, which is why it’s hard to believe or trust in it for those who are more of the scientific frame of mind?
Science Weighs In
Intuition is a gift from the spiritual realm. Its origins are beyond what is earthly.
The highly respected site, WebMD, has given its readers a thumbs-up for belief in female intuition. However, it has done this purely from a detached, clinical perspective. Intuition’s ties with pure emotions were played down, and in its place, the idea that intuition was the product of chemical processes in the mind was played up.
So is that what intuition is? Simply a combination of memories, experiences, and reactions to stimulus that one sees in the present?
Intuition is a psychic ability.
Granted, it may be a basic psychic sense compared to something like Mediumship, for example, but the fact remains that intuition is an ability to psychically sense any or all of the following at any given moment:
- What is going to happen soon
- What is really being said or meant, other than what your ears hear (whether you are being lied to or not)
- Whether or not your safety or well-being are being put at risk
- What is happening somewhere else, without being aware of the circumstances (“a sense of foreboding”)
Case in Point: Wife’s Intuition Saves Husband’s Life
Scott and Nicole Mayhew [image credit: http://fox6now.com | image used for research and news reporting purposes only, under the provisions of the FAIR USE Act of 2007. No copyright infringement intended.]
The incident happened last April 2015, and involved the married couple Scott and Nicole Mayhew from Utah. Nicole was not home when an accident happened to Scott while he was working under the family’s SUV.
The jack supporting the vehicle broke and the SUV fell, trapping Scott underneath. He called for help for an hour, but no one came. He also kept thinking of his wife, even though he was in great pain due to the broken ribs in his crushed chest. Scott prayed for Nicole to come home and help him.
Nicole, who was at work at the time, said in an interview aired over ABC News that “I had this feeling come over me that I needed to go home and check on my husband.”
When Nicole came home and saw what had happened to Scott, she asked a neighbor to help remove the SUV from her husband. They then called 911, and Scott made a full recovery sometime after.
What’s doubly interesting about this incident was how Nicole tied up her intuition with spiritual assistance. In a report published by the Mirror, Nicole was quoted as having said the following phrases during an interview with Fox Philly:
“I just believe a spirit told me.”
“I believe that there’s angels around us.”
“My Heavenly Father was with him.”
Now, this is another way at looking at intuition. That it is a gift from the spiritual realm, meaning, its origins are beyond what is earthly.
But, as usual, science has a different explanation for intuition.
Do Sex Hormones Play a Role in the Development of Intuition?
Intuition is not exclusive to women. Males have it too, but their ability is not as pronounced as that of females. So, it is a characteristic mostly associated with women.
As for the reason for intuition, this is what science has come up with, as reported in MedicalXpress:
“According to previous studies, prenatal exposure to testosterone affects developments in the brain that determine, to some extent, behavioural trends and tendencies throughout the lives of each individual, including humans. Males receive a higher amount of prenatal testosterone, which, according to scientists, has an influence on that they, for example, take more risks and be more empathic than women.
Intuitive thought can be defined as that which is processed automatically and unconsciously and which, therefore, requires little cognitive effort. On the other extreme is reflexive thought, which takes greater effort and conscious analysis. The former is based on sensations and is more “emotional”, while the latter is analytical and more “rational”. In certain situations, to “let yourself be led” by intuition will be better than stopping to think. In other situations, the opposite will occur.”
It’s a well-known fact that a strong psychic bond exists between a mother and her child. So could intuition strongly exist in women, because of their need to nurture their offspring?
I believe there’s something odd about associating the male hormone testosterone with the higher occurrence of intuition in women. For one thing, such an explanation does not explain what happened in the above story about the Mayhew couple.
For another, taking such an approach at face value does not leave any room to explain why mothers of infants instinctively know if their baby is uncomfortable, or wants to be fed, even when the mothers are not near the child.
It’s well-known fact that a strong psychic bond exists between a mother and her child. So could intuition strongly exist in women, because of their need to nurture their offspring?
Psychology Pipes In
There’s another theory that attempts to explain why women’s intuition is more noticeable, compared to the intuition of men. Here’s an excerpt from Psychology Today:
Research on nonverbal communication skill has clearly shown that women are, as a group, better at reading facial expressions of emotions than are men. As a result, women are more likely to pick up on the subtle emotional messages being sent by others.
… This may add to the perception that women have some special ability to intuit what others are feeling or thinking.
Where does this ability to read emotions come from? It has been suggested that it is mainly due to social power. Women, who have been historically lower in social power, spend more time observing and scrutinizing those in power (i.e., men, and powerful women), and become more attuned to their nonverbal cues. It has also been suggested that evolutionary elements have been involved, selecting females who have better ability to decode the needs of children and potential mates.
I personally find that explanation off the mark again, because it doesn’t explain how most women are able to quickly and accurately sense when their partners are cheating.
If if a man skilled in avoiding detection about infidelity, and even protesting their innocence convincingly, most women know.
Is this because they are, as mentioned in the Psychology Today article, “picking up on the subtle emotional messages being sent” or is it due to their keenly attuned intuition, their psychic ability, that simply knows when they are being lied?
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And if you have relationship problems, or if your intuition is telling you that something is wrong and you’d like to know what’s the real score, you can come to me for a psychic reading to find out.
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I know that this is your Guardian Angels guiding you. That’s my only explanation. If a person is spiritual, then they are more open to listening. Most men are skeptics. Many years ago, I almost signed up to buy a second home. I was about to sign on the line when I got the strongest feeling not to do it. That was right before the market went downhill and people started loosing their homes. Those homes ended up with several issues! Too many to explain. ?? Grateful that I listened.