Would You Like to Be On My Angel Prayer List?

Hi there,

I am going to start an Angel Prayer List of people who need prayers and help. Each night, I will add their names to this list, along with what they need me to pray for with my Guardian Angels.

There is no cost for this. It is something I want to do to help as many people as I can. I realize a lot of people are suffering and not sure what to do, so I want to be instrumental in helping them overcome their struggles, using the power of angelic Prayer.

Each night for the next 30 nights, I will perform a special Angel Prayer Ritual to send your prayers out into the universe, and your prayers will be delivered by 200 angels into the highest realms that exist.

This will bring you relief, blessings, and solutions to whatever you are struggling with.

How To Be Placed On My Angel Prayer List

All you need to do is to email me back with your name, or the names of the people you would like to be included on my angel Prayer List, along with what you would like to have prayed for.

Please keep your email brief and to the point because I will have many of them to add to my list each night.

May the abundance, light, and love of the Angels, bless you and your loved ones abundantly.

In light and peace,
Tana Hoy

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Or call my office at 614-444-6334

25 Responses

  1. Danuta says:

    My sister is very sick Hanna Chmielewska in constant pain.
    Her husband will be operated for cancer in July 25 Kazimierz Chmielewski.
    I’m sick. My beck is bad. Very painful is for me to walk and breathe.
    I will be very grateful if you include me to your prayer.

    Hanna Chmielewska
    Kazimierz Chmielewski
    Danuta Borowicz

    Warmest regards,
    Danuta .

  2. Brenda says:

    I would like to be on your Angel prayer list for my health and for Dave’s health. Please also pray for our country and for Trump not to get in office because he is not for low income people and seniors and we need help. Thank you.

  3. janice arandelovic says:

    thank you put e on your list and the people in this building and kdsb. thanks, and any negative people that need to be removed from my life.

  4. Raymond Alvin says:

    I would like to be on your prayer list. I would like love, peace and prosperity for me and my wife Anita.

  5. Sofia says:

    Hi Tana, Thank so much for offering to put us on your prayer list. Sofia and all my family members hope to have a healthy life and unlimited Blessings on earth and hereafter thank you so much.

  6. Debbie Correia says:

    Dear Tana,
    Please add my friend Leslie Nelson to your prayer list. She has cancer and is not expected to live much longer. Also add her 19 year old son Noah who she is very worried about his future without her. They are very good people.
    Thank you,
    Debbie Correia

  7. Debby Johnson says:

    I am having surgery and I am also having financial issues. Please pray for a good recovery and financial assistance

  8. Torrey Johnson says:

    Please pray for my daughter’s drug recovery and assistance to get a good job and get back on her feet.

  9. Veronica says:

    Please pray for the healing in my knees, and hands.

    Pray for my Son Mikhail for a better job opportunities with financial, and health benefits

    Pray for my companion Clive for better job placement opportunities

  10. Victor Massenburg says:

    Hi Tanya and thanks for giving this opportunity to have a blessing in my life . I would like you to pray for me , my health my financial situation, really would like you to pray for me . All of my close friends and family pray for us as we navigate through this tough world we live in

  11. Cathy McPeek says:

    Good health and financial relief

  12. Joanne in florida says:

    love light and positive energy
    please pray for my healing and financial success i am in the medical field. need a job promotion as carefield director.

  13. LT says:

    Thanks Tana for including our petitions on your prayer list! That is kind of you

  14. Nicole Lais says:

    Hi Tana,

    I like to take this opportunity to thank you for always being a light for all of us. The world can be a dark and scary place at times. As well as blessing me and my love ones with prayer. Can you pray for my daughter Alyssa Lais to have good health, stability, abundance, and peace in in every part of her and her daughter life. She has suffered through a lot over the years. Can you pray for my youngest daughter Amber Lais to be free from her abuser. She has suffering from domestic violence for almost 5 years. So that she may also have great health, stability, abundance, and peace touch every part of her and her son’s life. They’re the most important people in my life. If at all possible could you say a prayer for my sister Tamika Tucker that her health may improve. She has been very ill for some time. As for myself this would be all I could ever ask for. And to just let them know I am ready for their guidance.

    With my warmest regards ,
    Nicole Lais

  15. Kristy Sutton says:

    Please prayer for my husband and me physically and financially to be able to finish repairs on this big house so we can downsize, move closer to our kids, get back on our feet! We are alone here! Bless you and Thank you for your help and prayers!

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