For You…

Let me tell you something about YOU.

YOU can accomplish anything you want. YOU are in control of your life.

YOU can achieve as much success as you want to have.

YOU can and will pick yourself up when life knocks you down.


That’s all I wanted to say,

In light and peace,


P.S. I’m sending you this because I just spent some time with my someone today who is like a Grandpa to me. He will turn 89 in a few weeks and when I was younger,  he would tell me what I just told you.

And let me tell you …I have been knocked on my butt more times than I can count. And it was those words that gave me the encouragement to get back up and keep trying. We all need someone in our corner. He was in mine. I’ll be in yours to the best of my ability.

We’re inundated with so much negative crap these days …we ALL need someone
to encourage us.

Look …if you’re struggling, I’ve been there…and I can tell you first hand that it’ll get better if you keep on trying.

I believe in you. Go for it.

In light and peace,

Tana Hoy

To schedule a psychic reading visit or call 614-444-6334

34 Responses

  1. Brenda says:

    Thank you Tana. I really needed that!

  2. Alejandra says:

    Thank You Tana, for the encouraging words. Have a great day.

    Alejandra (Los Angeles)

  3. Candy says:

    Thank you Tana! ?
    Thank you for talking with me and being there for me, I love you, and I think you’re awesome! ?❤️

  4. Kobi Pinhasov says:

    Thank you Tana!!

  5. Janet says:

    Thank You so much ,Could not have come at a better time, Thank you and many blessings to you .

  6. Mei says:

    Thanks Tana!! Encouraging words are always great to hear.

  7. Lea says:

    Thank you Tana! Your genuine caring is so inspiring ?

  8. Francisco Mora says:

    Thank you Tana! This is great because I have been telling myself this for a bit now and it’s great to hear it from someone else as well. I’m so grateful for this, very much appreciate it. 😀

  9. Viana says:

    OMG! I needed to hear that today so bad! Thank you because I have felt almost hopeless lately.
    Thank you!!

  10. Sharon Jordan says:

    Thank you Tana it’s been hard for me last month now going into this month I’m so down and I know I have a good spirit. . Even you told me I had a wonderful spirit. This man is hurting me and I haven’t did thing. Is he jealous of he always hurt me . I want to be happy that’s all I will get my reading in September hope everything will turn around thank for being in my corner.

  11. John says:

    Thank you for the wonderful message!

  12. Sam B says:

    Amen Tana. Thank you.
    That was very touching.

    Tana, you’re the truest of lightworkers., but we support you as much as you support us. We don’t just have this community behind us, we also have the astral communities: Guides, angels, ascended masters, ETs other lightworkers, starseeds, indigos, crystals. We all have an army behind us.

    I’m fascinated by how much you touch peoples hearts. These responses are a testament to your lightworking capability. You give and expect little in return. This isn’t just about us. You deserve recognition too. Your friend is right. You can and you have achieved. Something tells me its not just your psychic ability that makes you special.

    Over the years, I’ve been through many negative experiences. I know what its like.

    My story:
    I’ve been through a lot in my current life. I can probably say to some extent that I’ve been through more than most.

    Most of my childhood years, I was bullied to such an extent I never had many friends and never really went out much. I went through everything. Physical verbal, even former friends turning on me just to impress their more popular friends or just to be one of them.

    I’ve only been in one relationship in my life but my ex girlfriend ended up leaving me for two different other guys. She didn’t cheat as far as I knew but it felt as if she just took me for granted. We didn’t talk for about a month or two after the second time which was also the last time, but when we talked again she became very toxic and hostile and never told me why. I thought maybe I did something to upset her but she wouldn’t even give me a reason. I said if it was my fault then I apologize for what I did but to no avail.

    I’ve been in on and off states of negative depression. I’ve never thought much of myself. Anything and everything I do I criticize my actions. Even here, I’m one of the more active responders but I still think of what people might think of me. I still worry if people think negatively. I know most here don’t but I still have some degree of anxiety over it. I look back on my comments and instinctively criticize it. “Did I say that right?”, “Was that coherent enough?”. That’s why I sometimes say that anything I said might just come out as nonsense. I know what I’m talking about in my mind but I just have trouble explaining it properly or coherently at times, or even if its the right thing to say or even if what I said is correct at all. I tend to get over excited and jump straight in, then later I find out that what I said is far less accurate than I originally thought.

    Oh and not to mention my habitual commentary thought trains I go on, like this one.

    I was raised predominantly in a negative environment. Even home life can be difficult. My family does not have much in terms of finances and the house we live in has many structural problems like damp and mold, not counting an unreliable landlord we have to deal with.

    I could have saved this for a reading but I feel that this is important for anyone reading this to know. Not to demonstrate the hardships of my situation but to encourage the truth of what Tana has said.

    This is why I want to be a light worker. My life has been hard but there are some in even worse situations and there’s nothing I can do about it. I want to not just help people but hopefully prevent people from going through similar or worse. Hopefully also by developing whatever abilities I have go aid in this.

    I may not have had a reading yet but that is a goal I intend to pursue sooner or later and resolve not just my situation but perhaps others as well.

  13. Lenice says:

    Thanks Tana,

    I really needed to hear this today, thanks for the encouraging words.
    Really uplifting, and made my day. 🙂

  14. Pamela says:

    Thank you so much Tana.

  15. Deborah Taylor says:

    Thank u so much, you’re such a sweet and loving person. I’m going to hold on and keep trying.
    Nothing beats a failure but a try!

  16. Sarah says:

    Thank you for the great words!

  17. DonD says:

    Thanks Tana, no stop keeping my head up and making my way with a smile on my face.

  18. Char says:

    Awesome, thank you Tana, you are the best, with love and peace!!!

  19. malena says:

    thanks God knows I need this now. when my life gets on track someone pulls the rug out from under me and I am on square one. i keep trying to survive but it is taking a toll on my health. no job no money coming in yet bills coming in is a nightmare. i keep saying the bible scripture this too shall pass as i know it will. God bless.

  20. janice arandelovic says:

    than you , we are all struggling and need someone in our corner. It works both ways . I’m in yours too my friend.

  21. Rob says:

    Thank you, Tana, because sometimes I feel like I have no one in my corner!

  22. Violeta says:

    Thank you very much Tana.

  23. Mark says:

    Thanks Tana for that message!! 🙂

  24. Leticia Steele says:

    Thank you for your thoughts and for caring…

  25. Rebecca Snyder says:

    Thank u Tana! ? ?

  26. Irma says:

    Tana, thank you for your emails. You are so amazing! I needed this today. Have a great day!

  27. Toni Ostroskie says:

    Thank You dear heart! Your such a comfort to all and Ty for all that you do. Abundant Love, many hugs, divine & bountiful blessings to you, always!

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