Your Money Horoscope November 2018
Here’s Your Money Horoscope for November 2018.
Money Horoscope for November 2018
Aries (March 21 to April 20)
The joint ventures you have entered in the past will accumulate good profits. This month would be a good time to look for partnerships from abroad and proceed with discussions. For those who are engaged in travel, you should keep pace with the sudden changes, but rest assured that there will be good developments coming out of your trip. You may acquire a new account that will bring financial developments to your company.
Taurus (April 21 to May 21)
This month would be a good time to sell a vehicle you have been wanting to sell for a while. You may have been waiting for the right opportunity and this month is that time. Start placing your ads, talk to prospective buyers, and finish off the deal. You will be able to receive the offer you were hoping for.
Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
It is highly indicated that getting into a partnership this month will not give you promising returns. It would be wise to postpone it for later and avoid it for now. The other person might not be professionally compatible with you and this could lead to a future discord. Focus your energies instead on your resources at hand to increase profits.
Cancer (June 22 to July 22)
Trading in property or stocks could be fruitful this month. You should proceed wisely and research various options before taking that big leap. You should think highly about the overall investment strategy, as compared to short-term gain, as the long-term investments could lay a good foundation for you at this time.
Leo (July 23 to August 21)
You should trust your instincts and not listen to other’s advice with regards to your financial front. Others might be misguiding you, so you should think over all matters very carefully. There is no reason to start doubting yourself because your financial decisions have been pretty wise so far.
Virgo (August 22 to September 23)
This month is a good time to plan your financial future. Take out your budget and start charting your aspirations and goals, along with how much money you will need to get there. You will need some long-term planning and budgeting to meet your long-term financial goals.
Libra (September 24 to October 23)
Real estate buying and selling could be a profitable activity this month. Land prices in many places are rising and will continue to do so in the near future. This period could be lucrative in selling real estate that you have held for a long time. Invest wisely by indulging in buying real estate now and you are likely to find your financial assets increase substantially.
Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)
Deals involving commercial property will be good for you this month. You should not have negative thoughts about the outcome. However, you need to avoid investments involving shares, and also avoid getting into partnerships. No matter how lucrative the offer could be, don’t get mislead into it.
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 22)
This month, you seem to suffer from a financial setback and this will take a while to recover. If you are applying for a loan, you are likely to get unfortunate news in the coming days. The bank may turn down your application. Don’t lose hope because there are still indications that you will be able to find money but not from the place you are expecting.
Capricorn (December 23 to January 20)
Don’t be easily tempted by financial schemes that seem too good to be true. Check facts before entering into any agreements or deals. Try to avoid anything that sounds like a get-rich-quick opportunity, as it could result in financial losses for you at the end.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)
You will get unexpected sources of income this month. It could be from a temporary influx of cash, like bonus at work or could be a new project on which you will get paid. Make sure to take care of this money and keep it safely in a bank. It will help you avoid financial strain in the near future.
Pisces (February 20 to March 20)
This month will be good for you in the sector of wealth. You may land a very high-paying position. It is also indicated that you will have gains in terms of financial holdings and the possession of assets. This will be the result of some clever dealing you did recently, or through some investments you made a long time ago.
You can read last month’s Money Horoscope by clicking here.
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Thank you for such great horoscopes Tana!