Your Monthly Horoscope for February 2018
Here’s Your Monthly Horoscope For February 2018
Horoscopes For February 2018
Aries (March 21 to April 20)
This month will bring about a flood of ideas that will propel you to make right decisions towards the things that you love, Aries. It is important that you welcome every experience with a positive mindset. Remember, there are blessings in every setback. These are meant to guide you to the right path. Always keep this in mind, mistakes are there to teach you a lesson.
Taurus (April 21 to May 21)
Regain your control over your life Taurus. Don’t let others make important decisions for you. Remember that you are the one living your life. Listen to the advices of people but follow your heart and your passion. You will thank yourself later on once you stop living a life of what ifs. Remember, you only live once, so you should strive to be happy. Don’t let others dictate upon your choices.
Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
You might start wondering about your life’s purpose these days, Gemini. Yes, you might feel a little bit introspective lately. Use this time to be alone. Ponder about the things that move you. You will find your life’s purpose once you detach yourself from the bustle of your busy life. All you need to do is to take time to ponder upon the direction your life is going. Then, once you find your path, rearrange your priorities to give importance to things that will make you happy.
Cancer (June 22 to July 22)
Your generosity is one of the many reasons why your friends love you, Cancer. However, you must remember that giving too much of yourself to the expense of being used and abused is also not good. Balance your generosity with tact and firmness. Although random acts of kindness go a long way, you should see to it that you leave some for yourself.
Leo (July 23 to August 21)
You might find yourself being worried about things you cannot control, Leo. This might be alarming considering that you always plan your life ahead of time. However, take these moments as a period of embracing new challenges – expected or not. And, if things do not go according to what you expect, always have a plan B.
Virgo (August 22 to September 23)
Be assertive without losing your calm composure, Virgo. Yes, you might find your patience being put to the test lately. However, try to explain your point without losing your cool. After all, people like you for your tact and ability to face every situation with a clear mind. You may even find yourself being asked for advices this month. Prepare to be your friends’ shock absorber.
Libra (September 24 to October 23)
Use this month to detach from people who cling and suck the energy out of you, Libra. Use this time to think more about yourself. This calls for pampering and treating yourself to a mini shopping or eating spree. You need it! Just a little reminder though, be sure to spend within your budget.
Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)
Your secretive nature is building a barrier between you and the people that you love, Scorpio. You want to be understood but you also don’t know how to express yourself and reveal hidden pages of your physique that needs healing. It’s actually okay to reveal a part of yourself. You shouldn’t be scared of being judged. Just make sure you open up only to people you trust.
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 22)
You might find yourself confused right now, Sagittarius. A loved one is having some problems but you don’t know how to help this person in a way that will make him or her feel better. Don’t worry, you can help by lending a listening ear. You will find this effort highly appreciated. Sometimes, people with problems solve their own issues when they are able to verbalize what’s bothering them.
Capricorn (December 23 to January 20)
These upcoming weeks bring about a gift of rewarding you with the energy and enthusiasm you are looking for, Capricorn. Use this time to make important actions that will help you socialize and meet the right kind of people who will eventually help you on your way to success. One ingredient to success is to surround yourself with the right kind of people— those who won’t criticize but will offer help.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)
Now is the time for you to be kind, Aquarius. You might not know it, but your actions have an impact to the people around you. Try not to lose your cool when dealing with your loved ones and friends. Be loving and understanding. A few kind words from you will be appreciated more than you know. Being kind will make you more loveable.
Pisces (February 20 to March 20)
There are a lot of changes that are bound to happen to your life in the upcoming days and weeks, Pisces. You might feel overwhelmed with all these recent happenings. Take time to sit outside and relax your body and mind. The changes will bring forth prosperity and happiness. Be excited in the weeks ahead.
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