Do Guardian Angels Get Angry At Us?

Do Guardian Angels Get Angry At Us?

Angels do not have bodies like human beings because they are spiritual beings. Although they may take the appearance of a body, they are pure spirits by nature.

Guardian Angels are spiritual beings who look after and protecting human beings. Aside from protecting us from spiritual and physical danger, Guardian Angels also guide us, record our deeds, and also pray for us. They do all these tasks according to God’s will.

Guardian Angels Are with Us from the Beginning of Life


All of us have Guardian Angels. Saint Thomas Aquinas says that, “from the very moment of his birth man has an angel guardian appointed to him”. Saint Anselm also states that “at the very moment of the union of soul and body, God appoints an angel to watch over him or her.” This means that from the time you were born, your Guardian Angels have been with you and watching over you.


Your Guardian Angels Want to Communicate with You

How to talk to angels

Angels do not have bodies like human beings because they are spiritual beings. Although they may take the appearance of a body, they are pure spirits by nature. So how does your Guardian Angel communicate with you?

Your angel may try to connect with you through your feelings, thoughts, or mental images, in the form of an idea that might just pop in your head out of nowhere.By being attentive, you may eventually recognize the comforting feeling of your personal angel’s touch. You only need to be ready to accept the guidance, comfort, and love that your Guardian Angels want to bestow upon you.

If you want to develop a more personal relationship with your Guardian Angel, there are ways you can reach out to him or her.


Easy Ways to Communicate with Your Guardian Angels


Do Guardian Angels Get Angry At Us?

Think deeply about questions that your angels can help you with. When you seek answers to these questions, you are also giving your angels the chance to guide, help, and protect you.

To communicate with your Guardian Angels, you need to talk from your heart. What your angels have to say doesn’t need to be heard through spoken words, and you don’t need to have psychic abilities to recognize what your angel is trying to tell you. To hear and understand your angel’s messages, you just need to listen.

So here are 5 easy ways you can use to communicate with your Guardian Angels:

  1. By praying. Through prayers, you can talk with your angel in a personal way. Just speak with your angel about your heart’s deepest desires, as if you were speaking to your best friend. You can ask for help, guidance, and protection. You can talk to your angel about everything! What really matters for your prayer to work is sincerity.
  2. Through contemplation. Instead of thinking about what’s happening around you, think deeply about questions that your angels can help you with. Think about your soul’s deepest desires; try to discover your life’s purpose; or think about what’s missing in your life. When you seek answers to these questions, you are also giving your angels the chance to guide, help, and protect you.
  3. By writing letters to your angel. Writing letters about your feelings, or any specific topic, can help you gain more clarity about certain questions, problems or issues. Once you have clearly identified what’s bothering you, you can ask your Guardian Angels for help.


The more you learn to connect with your Guardian Angels, the more personal your relationship with him or her is going to become. And it is through this deeper relationship with your angel that you will appreciate their value in your life.


Your Guardian Angels Are Here to Guide You


The main reason why Guardian Angels exist is to protect and guide people, groups, kingdoms, or countries. You have your own Guardian Angel who has been assigned to look after you throughout your life. To be more specific, these are the things your guardian protector will do for you:

  • Your Guardian Angels puts good thoughts in your mind and influences your will towards good. Although you cannot see, hear, or feel the presence of your Guardian Angels, they can still influence your thoughts in a positive way.
  • Your angels pray with you and for you. They offer their good works and prayers to God. And when you don’t pray, your personal angel will pray in behalf of you, too.
  • Guardian Angels use what “appears” to be coincidences to communicate with you. These coincidences may not seem logical, but they happen for a reason, so you should pay attention to the coincidences that happen in your life, because they may contain the messages and guidance that you seek or need.
  • Your Guardian Angels can protect you in times of danger. Your angel will protect you if you ask him or her with sincerity or pure intent.

Your Guardian Angels and Your Free Will


Do Guardian Angels Get Angry At Us?

Everyone encounters crossroads in life. If your life decisions turn out to be not aligned with what the Universal Forces plan for you, your angel will send you signals that will inspire you to go back to the right direction.

Your Guardian Angel was assigned to you from the moment you were born, and he or she will never stop loving, guiding, and protecting you throughout your journey here on earth. This doesn’t mean, however, that your angel will interfere with the decisions you make in your life. Your Guardian Angel respects your free will.

There are times when we feel sure about what you want to do in life. However, things happen which could take our focus away from your objectives and purposes.

You may find yourself working towards getting all the material things you’ve always wanted. While there is nothing wrong with having a great job, a big house, or an expensive car, being too focused on such earthly possessions can distract you from your real purpose on earth.

If your life decisions turn out to be not aligned with what the Universal Forces plan for you, your angel will send you signals that will inspire you to go back to the right direction. But sending signals is all that your Guardian Angel will do. She or he will never try to change your mind, or interfere with your decisions directly.

Do Guardian Angels Get Angry?


Angels are not like human beings. Your family or friends may get angry when you refuse to follow their guidance, but not your Guardian Angels.

Guardian Angels do not get angry, and they do not carry grudges. Even when you make mistakes, your angel will not turn his or her back on you and abandon you. Angels are here with us on earth to protect, guide, and help us fulfill our life purposes.

If you’re ready to receive guidance from your Guardian Angels, let your body, mind, and spirit relax so that you may begin to feel the presence of your angels.

Through constant practice, you will become more successful in recognizing with confidence your angel’s messages and unique signs.


If you’d like to learn more about your Guardian Angels, you can schedule an Angel Reading, by clicking here and filling out the form on my Psychic Readings page.


10 Responses

  1. Sam B says:

    Its comforting to know I have angels with me at all times. I’m trying to figure out which type(s) they are.

    I looked up about angel lore some time ago and their respective classes or divisions. There are too many types to describe here but the ones I’m most familiar with are the Seraphim and the Cherubim.

    The ones that Tana talks about sounds like they’re more related to Cherubim as they are the ones who essentially praise God and the Seraphim are described as the more high ranking angels so I can only guess the Archangels like Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Ariel, Gabriel and a few others I forgot their names are Seraphims.

    I’m fairly certain about the Seraphim but the Cherubim I’m not too sure.

    *Upon looking this up further, Seraphim are above Archangels. They are the highest order. Cherubim also relate the same way in regards to Guardian Angels.

  2. Sam B says:

    Its comforting to know I have angels with me at all times. I’m trying to figure out which type(s) they are.

    I looked up about angel lore some time ago and their respective classes or divisions. There are too many types to describe here but the ones I’m most familiar with are the Seraphim and the Cherubim.

    The ones that Tana talks about sounds like they’re more related to Cherubim as they are the ones who essentially praise God and the Seraphim are described as the more high ranking angels so I can only guess the Archangels like Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Ariel, Gabriel and a few others I forgot their names are Seraphims.

    I’m fairly certain about the Seraphim but the Cherubim I’m not too sure.

    *Upon looking this up further, Seraphim are above Archangels. They are the highest order. Cherubim also relate the same way in regards to Guardian Angels

  3. Sam B says:

    One other thing.
    Praying and praising being separate meanings. Hopefully that avoids any confusion with what I just said.

    Also the Cherubim have no relation tp guardian angels. I meant that they are the second highest under the Seraphs. My accuracy on angels is rather sketchy so anyone interested in angel lore might want to look this up. You might also want go look at the Elohim angels. I think they’re kinda interesting from a psychic or spiritual point if view (i.e they can manifest creation through thought).

    My first one also seems to have been double posted.

  4. Mark Christopher says:

    Tana, thanks for this great article !

  5. Dipsy says:

    Guardian angels do get angry, but never leaves you,depending on your level of relationship with them, they tell you what to do and how to go about it and if you disobey, they keep quiet and remain silent, even if you ask them questions at that time, they plainly n loudly say “I DONT KNOW” I hear her clearly n I’m so proud of her.

  6. Linda says:

    No Dipsy, guardian angels do not get angry.

  7. Philippos says:

    I was in a bad accident once. I fell asleep at the wheel and ran under and 18 wheeler. Here’s the thing. The only reason I woke up was because I was startled by (what felt like) a hand grasp the back of my head. As I jerked awake, I saw this 18 wheeler at my windshield. Too late. The hand, however, did not just alert me. It physically threw me to the floor board of my tiny compact right at the moment of impact. The rest was a smoky blur.
    I woke up on a gurney, surrounded by noise and frantic firemen who were rushing me to an ambulance. Everything was a blur. I could not see. I heard the fireman above my head tell me not to open my eyes. He said I had glass all over me. I passed out and again woke up to several people picking glass out of my hair. I left that entire nightmare unscathed. Not even a scar. That part of my story will end here.
    The next day I went to where my car was and could not believe what I saw. It looked like a crushed can, severed roof, destroyed wheels, and no windows. The only thing I managed to see, in perfect condition, was an icon of St. George that was hanging from my rear view mirror. That’s my story.
    Several years later I was in a situation where (don’t ask) a man fired a gun at me from 15 feet away. Two shots rang out as I stood there like an idiot and braced myself for carnage after I knew my words would not change his mind or alter his plan and somehow he missed both times.
    The hardest part of believing in a guardian Angel is when I feel I’ve been a disappointment. When I’ve done wrong. It’s then that I wonder why was I spared, and why do I not feel worthy of it. There are so many people better than me.
    If I could lend my Angel I would. I ask all the time and, in the end, I finally realized through the years that it’s not my say and that it’s not up to me to judge whether or not I am worthy, or not.
    Thanks for letting me chime in.

  8. Maria Rivera says:

    Thank you for refreshing my memory.

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