Here Are My Latest Psychic Predictions For 2019 (August Release)
Hi there,
So, here’s the scenario:
It was about 3:30 am in the morning, and I was laying in my bed sound asleep…when suddenly…
…I felt this big “thump” on my chest!
At first, I thought it was my cat Winstin, so, with my eyes closed, I just moved my hand to push him away…but my cat was not there.
Being half asleep. I didn’t think anything of it, so I went back to sleep.
Then suddenly, I woke up again to this “thump, thump, thump” on my chest…
…it felt like something was using my chest as a trampoline, jumping up and down on it!
Well, let me tell you, that thump, thump, thump, on my chest definitely woke me up!
And when I opened my eyes, you’ll never believe what I saw…
How I Met Thumper The Little Fairy
Normally I don’t like waking up from a sound sleep at 3:30 in the morning, but when I opened my eyes, I suddenly got a big smile on my face.
Because when I opened my eyes, the cutest little fairy was jumping up and down on my chest like it was a human trampoline! And he was so cute, it would be impossible to be mad at him!
But his face looked very serious, as he excitedly waved at me, trying to get my attention!
In his squeaky little voice he said “Hello, my name is Thumper! They call me Thumper because when I jump – things go “thump!”. And your chest is like a trampoline!”
!t turns out Thumper was quite the talker, as I’ve found most fairies to be! He had these beautiful little wings and the warmest little face!
I Was The First Human This Was Revealed To
Thumper told how he had heard all about me from Robey, a little gnome who came to visit me who I’ve written about in past emails. Well, it turns out he and Robey are good friends!
Thumper told me the reason he came to “wake me up” was because he came to deliver a message.
My curiosity was peaked because whenever I get a visit from any Light Being from another dimension, I always listen!
And let me tell you, what he was about to reveal to me was something I never knew about…
As a matter of fact, Thumper told me I was the only human chosen to have this information revealed to.
And what he revealed to me made my mouth literally drop open…
…because quite honestly, what he told me scared the hell out of me!
Hyperdines – The Most Powerful Fairies In The World
Thumper began talking about something I’d never known about before! He told me there is a rare breed of fairies called Hyperdine Fairies and they are the most powerful fairies in the Fairy Kingdom.
Then he started talking about something that had me a little alarmed, He said that the earth is forming energy cracks, which have been caused by all the negativity in the world today.
He then explained how this negativity is being sent into the universe and creating what is known as Energy Lightning Bolts (ELB).
And these Energy Lighting Bolts have been storming down and hitting the earth, causing energy cracks all over the planet.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, he went on to explain how these energy cracks are starting to open up and expose the planet, clear down to the core of the earth!
And if this happens, hundreds of thousands of devilish energy beings, called Adversaries, will be released out of the center of the earth…
…where they will cause havoc and destruction, which Thumper keep referring to as Armageddon.
Thumper said the escape of The Adversaries cannot be allowed to happen because if the Adversaries are able to rise out of the molten core of the planet they will play havoc in lives of people all over the world…
…he told me the Adversaries needed to be stopped from escaping!
What I Learned About The Adversaries And Their Havoc
Thumper went on to explain a little history to me. He said the Adversaries were banished to the molten core of the earth over 100,000 years ago when war broke out between the Adversaries and the Hyperdines.
During this time in history, the Adversaries were messing with humans and causing havoc in their lives. He said the earth was in total chaos!
So, the Hyperdines knew for the sake of mankind, they needed to stop the Adversaries. So, the Hyperdines went to battle with them, in order to stop them from causing a total Armageddon on earth!
And the Hyperdines knew if the Adversaries weren’t stopped, that the entire existence of human life, including how humans interact with each other – would be changed forever!
The Adversaries needed to be stopped!
So, the Hyperdines won the war, and then they banished the Adversaries to the hot, molten core of the earth, where they were to spend eternity!
But because of the energy cracks, there is now danger that the Adversaries will be able to escape and return back to the planet earth.
And the reason he came to see me was he wanted to warn me and ask for my help in preventing them from escaping…
…he told me he needed the help of humans to heal the energy cracks before they get large enough where they are at the point of no return!
What Will Happen If The Adversaries Are Not Stopped
Thumper explained when the Adversaries tried taking over the earth over 100,000 years ago, many terrible things began to happen to humans. The reason these things happened wad because the Adversaries used their evil powers to place a spell over the earth.
They used the black magic to oppress humans and keep them down so that eventually they could have domination over the human race…
…they literally wanted to enslave all humans!
So, the Hyperdines went to war with them, and once they defeated the Adversaries, the Hyperdines banished them to the core of the earth, to trap them there forever so they could never use their evil magic again.
It Was Armageddon On Earth
During the time the Adversaries were gaining power, Thumper said that humans experienced all kinds of blocks, havoc, and problems in their lives.
He said it was a living hell!
* Financial abundance was blocked from flowing and many people had financial ruin. There was a sudden shortage of money all around the planet!
People all over the planet were becoming like savages, doing anything they could to get money for the survival of themselves, their loved ones, and their families. Total chaos was everywhere!
* Hearts got broken, loneliness reigned supreme, and love and compassion evaporated from the hearts of many humans. People became lonely, couldn’t find true happiness in love, and marriages and relationships were beginning to crumble. No one touted no one. Not even married couples!
People became hopeless! They felt lost, unhappy, and like life had no meaning because of no love.
It makes sense because psychologists know that humans will psychology go crazy without love or genuine human interaction because this is how we are wired inside!
* Humans began gaining weight in uncontrollable proportions due to all the sadness, lack, and scarcity on the earth. Because when many humans feel sad, they often eat to comfort themselves. So people became overweight, unmotivated, and depressed.
And as their weigh piled on, they gave up hope, stopped caring about themselves, and gave up inside. Their sense of self-worth and self-esteem had been shattered. They became psychologically beyond repair!
* Feelings of sadness, depression, fear, and worry, were the common emotions of humans at that time. So, people started giving up on themselves, their futures and lost all hope of a better future.
People felt lost, immobilized by these destructive emotions, unable to feel motived, as they stopped caring about themselves. Because this is what depression does to humans.
* Wars broke out everywhere, causing division among people on the planet. False propaganda was being spread everywhere around the planet, and people were confused, divided against each other, and the world was on the verge of a major war between all humans.
It was leading to a “dog eat dog” world!
And we are currently seeing how division among humans leads to distrust, resentment, and power plays involving egos, which unavoidably leads to war.
We are seeing this happening now as the energy cracks begin to widen.
* Plus a lot more chaos will follow!
ALL of these things were what the Adversaries wanted to happen because they knew if they divided humans against themselves, they would be able to control them to enslave them.
Why Knowing This Information Is Important
Thumper said the reason he came to visit me is that he needed my help to prevent this from happening on this planet again!
He told me these energy cracks in the earth, which are happening all over the world right now, are soon going to become so wide and so deep that the Adversaries will be able to escape from the molten core of the earth…
…and if the Adversaries escape from the core of the earth, where they were banished to live for eternity, everything that happened 100,000 years ago, will happen again.
And he said that even though the Adversaries are banished at the moment to the core of the earth, the energy cracks are already allowing them to begin casting their black magic on earth, affecting the minds lives and minds of humans!
Thumper said, “Humans are already seeing many of these things from the past beginning to happen right now!”
* Financial abundance was blocked from flowing and many people had financial ruin. There was a sudden shortage of money all around the planet!
* Hearts got broken, loneliness reigned supreme, and love and compassion evaporated from the hearts of many humans. People became lonely, couldn’t find true happiness in love, and marriages and relationships were beginning to crumble. No one touted no one. Not even married couples!
* Humans began gaining weight in uncontrollable proportions due to all the sadness, lack, and scarcity on the earth. Because when many humans feel sad, they often eat to comfort themselves. So people became overweight, unmotivated, and depressed.
* Feelings of sadness, depression, fear, and worry, were the common emotions of humans at that time. So, people started giving up on themselves, their futures and lost all hope of a better future.
* Wars broke out everywhere, causing division among people on the planet. False propaganda was being spread everywhere around the planet, and people were confused, divided against each other, and the world was on the verge of a major war between all humans.
* Plus a lot more chaos!
Again, we are already seeing the black magic of the Adversaries beginning to happen, and Thumper needs our help…No! The people of the earth need our help!
We Need Your Help
Thumper trained me in a technique called Adversary Closo Eliminato, which will do two things:
- It will close the energy cracks that are already beginning to form, and prevent future ones from ever forming again.
- It will generate a powerful bolt of white light, which will be sent into the universe, and eliminate the buildup of the negative energy that is already there, permanently stopping anymore Energy Lighting Bolts (ELB) from hitting the earth, so that there will be no chance of any more energy cracks!
But I cannot do this alone! It takes the energy of 112 people to create a Human Energy Battery (HEB) that will be strong enough to eliminate this negative energy, which is causing these ELB’s and to permanently close the energy cracks, which have already formed.…
…and these cracks are getting wider every day!
Thumper said the earth will be at a state on no return if something is not done by February 1st of 2020…
…after that date, it will be too late!
If nothing is done to stop this, the Adversaries will be able to escape from the core of the earth, and the world will feel like it is facing Armageddon!
So, we need your help because we need to stop them…
…and that is the purpose of this email!
How You Can Help
Thumper asked me to reach out and find 112 people who want to stop the earth from experiencing another Armageddon!
Thumper told me that if the Adversaries escape, it won’t be good!
You know from my emails, and if you know me personally, or from readings, then you already know I am not a person to spread fear or negativity, and I apologize in advance if you take this email this way.
But you also know I am a truth-teller, not someone who whitewashes things!
And to tell you the truth, after talking to Thumper, it scared the hell out of me, too!
So, I am just giving it to you straight, the same way Thumper gave it to me! And besides, why wouldn’t I give it to you straight about something this serious?
So, I told Thumper I felt confident that 112 people would come forward to help win this fight against the Adversaries. And I hope you will be one of the 112.
This will be the most powerful session you have experienced before if you join us in this fight against the Adversaries!
The Adversary Closo Eliminato is very powerful and will definitely work – but I need exactly 112 people, in order for this human battery to be strong enough to defeat the Adversaries!
So, how you can help is by becoming one of the 112 Light Seekers who help me and Thumper win this fight!
Please don’t leave this fight to others, thinking “ someone else will step up and do this” because this it’s exactly this type of attitude that will definitely guarantee we LOSE this fight!
How To Join This Fight
I hope by now you can see the importance of joining to become a White Light Peace Bringer! Because if we lose, the course of the world, as we currently know it, will literally change overnight!
So, please help us win this fight!
All how you can become one of the 112 White Light Peace Bringers is by clicking here and fill out the form on my Psychic Reading Page, and someone will contact you back right away!
I need your help!
The world needs your help!
Your family and loved ones need your help!
Powerful Words That Struck Me
When I shared this with one of my clients, she immediately signed up to be part of this fight! Then she said something to me that really struck me!
She said…
…”If I stood back and let this happen, after knowing way in advance I could be someone who could help prevent it, I could never look my loved ones in the face again, or any other human being, for that matter. Because if I stood back and did nothing, I would be responsible for it happening!”
And the more I reflected on what she said, I realized, how grateful I feel to have been the one chosen to forewarn others and train this group of White Light Peace Bringers so we could win this together!
Thank you in advance for joining me in this fight, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
In light and peace,
Tana Hoy
P.S. The Adversary Closo Eliminato will actually be a training session where you will learn how to use your mental powers to create a very strong shield of protection for the entire planet!
You will be part of a group called The 112 White Light Peace Bringers and what you are going to learn during this training can be used with great success to improve other areas of your life, too!
P.S.S. Here are my Psychic Predictions for 2019 (August Release)
what wold be
the charge for this intensive light workshop?