Here are my latest Psychic Predictions

Hey there,

I am so excited today because I am going to tell you about something very exciting I discovered during my latest astral travels!!

I discovered something called The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria. And here’s the weird thing….

When I finished my astral travel, I opened my eyes and a mysterious box was sitting right in front of me and I have no idea how it got there!

So, move in closer because boy-oh-boy, do I have a story to tell you!

The Mysterious Box!

Last Saturday night, something very different happened to me!

The same as always, I sat down at around 2:30 am to begin my astral travel. But all I remember is closing my eyes, and when I opened them again, it was 11am – 8 hours later!

But here’s what was so unusual about my astral travel this time…

…when I opened my eyes, right in front of me was my side table, which had moved because when I began my astral travel it was on the side of my astral travel chair.

And here’s the even weirder part…

On top of the side table was a strange and unusual looking box!

treasure box with green gem imbedded into its body

The unusual box sitting on the side table in front of me.

I have no conscious memory of anything except closing my eyes, and then opening them again – 8 1/2 hours later!

And here’s something else that was weird, too!

Standing right in front of me was an alien looking being, who told me his name was Thalanor, Guardian of The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria…

…who then he went on to explain how the side table got moved, why the table was in front of me, along with where the mysterious looking box came from, and what it meant!

Make sure to apply for this by filling out and sending back the 4 question questionnaire below

I Was Put In A Trance-Induced Brain Download! 

All I can say is thank god my husband Johnny was out of town that weekend because he would have freaked out seeing a 7-foot-tall alien walking around the house!

Thalanor suggested we walk into my living room where we could be relaxed and have a chat. So, we sat on our living room couch to chat.

He told me that I had astrally traveled to the planet Luminaria, where he is from, and he said the reason I don’t remember anything is because when I arrived on his planet, I was immediately placed in a deep trance, in order for them to download into my brain the instructions for activating the powers contained inside of The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria…

…I had no idea what he was talking about!

Next, he asked me to pause for a moment right then, and tune in to my thoughts, which I did! And suddenly to my surprise, I knew everything about The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria, how to activate it, how it works, what it does, and how to infuse it into the auric fields of others via a golden cord!

It was the most amazing thing I ever experienced in my life!

 The Mysterious Looking Box And How It Got There 

Before my astral travel, I had never heard of The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria before.

Remember how I opened my eyes and the side table had been moved in front of me, with a strange and mysterious box sitting on top of it?

Thalaron said that while I was in that trance having the information downloaded into my mind, he then placed The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria on top of it.

And while I was in the trance, the box floated from the table, into my hands, which created an activation alliance between me and the box, and then floated back to the top of the table!

In other words, a kind of telekinetic-energetic infusion took place! 

Then he picked up The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria and handed it to me as he explained that the reason the information was downloaded into my brain while I was in that trance, was so I would know how to activate The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria.

He said without the proper activation, this Luminarian treasure chest would be useless! 

As I was looking at this mysterious looking box, I asked him about the meanings of the unusual-looking symbols and sparkling gemstones on it. He said the symbols are what make The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria so powerful! Those symbols he said, are ancient Luminarian symbols, which are more powerful than anything known to the human race.

And he explained how the tiny sparkling stones were not actually stones, but tiny stars infused on the surface of the box.

gems infused box

Notice the tiny stars infused on the surface of the box

He said those symbols are what give The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria the power to bestow a person and their entire family with incredible blessings and gifts! And the stars are the energy that makes the blessing so powerful!

What happened next left me speechless…

Then he said, “Tana would you like to take a picture of The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria so you can remember it?” I was a little confused by what he meant by “remember it”, so I took a photo.

Then, Thalaron raised his hands above it, said a few words I didn’t understand, and then The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria instantly dissolved into thin air…

…I am so glad I took that picture! 

The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria And What It Does!

Thalaron went on to say that because of my inter-galactic reputation (I couldn’t help but smile when he used the words “inter-galactic reputation” because I’d never heard any being I’ve met say it that way before) that the leaders of his planet felt I was the right human to pass this knowledge on to.

Then we sat there over the next 4 hours as he explained to me exactly what The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria is and what it can do! 

I was literally stunned by the magical powers contained in this outer-space treasure chest!

I discovered that The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria gets energetically connected by the Lumarians into a person’s auric field, via a sacred golden cord (Lumarians are what the people from his planet are called). 

Next, he explained how The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria is not only invisible but also protected by a crystalline, white light ray energy grid, which makes it indestructible by any being from any planet! It would even survive a nuclear war!!! (You can see the diamond-shaped crystalline structure in the drawing) 

crystalline energy grid

Photo of the Crystaline White-Light Ray Energy Grid

Once the treasure chest has been infused in a person’s auric field it needs to be activated. And once activated, a person who has is lucky enough to have this treasure chest energetically infused to their auric field via a sacred golden cord, the blessings and gifts of The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria will be released. And many incredible blessings and gifts will be bestowed upon the person and all of their loved ones! 

And the best part is, its blessings and gifts never run out!

Thalaron told me that all the people on his planet have their auric fields energetically-infused, via a sacred golden cord, to The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria, And, to my surprise, it turns out that the Luminarians have a galactic reputation as being the experts on knowing how to change a peoples lives by releasing and bestowing incredible blessings and gifts onto the lives of others and their loved ones…

because the Lumarians are ethereal beings that harness the energies of the stars!

But The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria will only work for humans who have a pure heart.

So, if you are reading this and thinking how you could use these gifts and blessings to harm someone, stop reading this email right now! Because The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria would not be for you!!

But if you are ready to receive incredible blessings and gifts that will change your life and the life of your loved ones too, then read on…

What Does The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria Do?

Thalaron told me that it is so powerful, that when a blessing is bestowed upon a person, the result of the blessing will last forever.

And here are JUST A FEW of the blessings and gifts that will be released and bestowed upon you and your loved ones:

Thalaron told me that it is so powerful, that any blessing or gift you receive will last forever.

So, here are just a few of the blessings and gifts you and your loved ones will receive:

* If you are looking for true love, as a result of this blessing, not only will it come to you, but it will last forever!

* You will be blessed with financial abundance that will be unlimited for the rest of your life!

* You will be blessed with a successful career, where you will grow and grow, all the way to the top!

* If you desire for your own business, you will be blessed with an unlimited supply of clients!

* If you want to write a book, you will be blessed selling limitless copies!

* You will be blessed with good health, and it will be yours forever!

* if you want to lose weight, you will – and it will stay off forever!

* Plus many more!

So, once you’ve been blessed, your blessings will last forever!

green gem found at the center of a treasure box cover  close up photo of green gem embedded on a treasure box   side view of a treasure box with green illuminating gem

The mysterious symbols on the treasure chest

Thalaron Had Special Conditions

Thalaron told me a person with an evil heart, would not benefit from this magical treasure chest! As a matter of fact, he couldn’t seem to stress this to me enough!

So, it is very important to know that this won’t work for people like that.

He also stressed that any person who wants to have The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria infused into their auric field via a golden cord has to have certain energetic qualities that “only he will be able to identify”!

Thalaron was so serious about this when he explained it to me, that he said he would infuse The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria into any person’s auric field, via a golden cord, as long as they met the energetic conditions required.

So, he insisted that he look over every single name, of every single person, who wanted to have The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria infused into their auric field, and he wanted to know a few of the blessings a person desires to have bestowed upon them and their loved ones, so he could determine who would, and who would not, be chosen for this.

Then he said after he looked over each one that was submitted, he would let me know who had been chosen – and he told me he would not choose more than 75 people!

Something else you need to know, this session is going to be performed in a very different way. Also, the infusing of The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria into your auric field will take place the night before this session, and all of this will be explained in more detail to the 75 people who are chosen.

How To Apply To Get Chosen 

Per instructions of Thalaron, here is what you need to do if you want to receive the blessings and gifts from The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria for you and your loved ones!

** Instruction from Thalaron:

1. Reply to this email

2. Address it to Thalaron

3. Write down a few blessings you’d like to receive mentioned above or any other blessings you can think of

4. Promise you do not intend to use your blessings to harm anyone or anything

5. Include your best phone number to easily reach you!

6. Email it directly back to this email right away!

** I have made this very easy for you to fill out because I’ve designed a copy-and-paste template you can use!

A Copy-And-Paste Template For you

I created a template for you that will only take you 5 minutes to just copy and paste into an email.

Then just answer the 4 simple questions, and send it back to me ASAP!

Here’s the template (Copy and paste this template)

“Dear Thalaron,

Thank you for considering me.

A few of the blessings I’d like to receive for me and my loved ones are:




4, My best phone number to easily reach me:

I promise I will never use my blessing for evil or to harm another living being in any way.

It would be an honor to be chosen by you to have my auric field infused with The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria via a golden cord.


(Your name goes here)

After I receive your email, Thalaron will look at it right away, and if you are chosen, someone will get back to you to schedule The Magical Treasure Chest Of Luminaria session.

I Suggest You Make Your Move Now!

If you want to have these amazing blessings and gifts bestowed upon you and your loved ones, blessing that will last forever, then answer the questions right away and get them back to me immediately!

It will only take you 5 minutes to just copy and paste this template into an email, answer the simple questions, and then send them back to me.

I know one thing! Thalaron is a fast mover, and no moss grows under his feet! And I can tell you by the look in his eyes, that he is ready to find 75 people who are ready to receive these life-changing blessings for them and their loved ones!

So if you play around, wait, or procrastinate, filling out the copy and past template, and sending it back to me ASAP, you will lose a once-in-a-lifetime chance of receiving these incredible blessings in your life!!

And also make sure to include your direct phone number, so if you are chosen, we can reach you!

AND, the AMAZING PART is, that these blessings will be bestowed upon you AND all of your loved ones!

Seriously, how many people do you know who will also have this same opportunity in this lifetime? I think I can safely say “none” unless they are part of my email list!

So copy-and-paste the template into this email, fill it out, send it back to me, and Thalaron will look at it as soon as he receives it.


Good luck on being chosen!

In light and peace,

Tana Hoy

P.S. Make sure to copy-and-paste the template and send it back to me ASAP or you WILL miss this! And you DO NOT want to miss this!

P.S.S. Here are my latest Psychic predictions

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