How to Deal With Toxic Family Problems

toxic family

One of the ways on how to deal with a toxic family member is to set boundaries. Be firm on what attitude you can handle and what you will not tolerate.

Family can mean a lot of things to different people. Some people are born into loving families and raised by adoring parents, while some people don’t recall having many good memories at all. For some people, simply getting a text message from a parent triggers anxiety that dates back to their childhood, or attending family get-togethers can leave them feeling hurt or angry.

Many people don’t realize the effects of their family environment until they’re an adult. If you’re one of those people who grew up in a toxic family, you are not alone!

I had clients who deal with family trauma that has deeply affected their psyche and the way they approach life. So, I want to share with you the same enlightenment I shared with them. Here’s how you can deal with your toxic family.


Acknowledge the truth


What exactly causes toxic family problems? Well for one, parents and their children have different sets of beliefs. Some parents want traditional things for their children, while the children refuse to follow the path that has been laid out. Parents believe one thing, and the children believe the opposite. Especially with today’s political and economic climate, children are raised very differently from their parents’ upbringing.

Perhaps there have been a lot of shortcomings in the family, like lack of communication, boundaries, control, or even affection. Maybe a child’s needs weren’t met, or they were constantly being put down. Or even worse, there could substance abuse or other kinds of abuse, such as mental, verbal, and physical. Regardless of what a child went through, they are valid and deserve the best of life!

In order to live a happy life, you need to free yourself from anything holding you down. This includes all relationships that are toxic, whether it’s a friend, a partner, or even a family member. And family members are particularly hard to distance yourself from since they are, of course, family.

Many people may be avoiding dealing with this situation for as long as they can, but in order to grow and move forward, the person must be willing to acknowledge the problem to prevent it from doing more damage, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Though it can be painful, if you were one of these people and have a gut feeling that there still could be a resolution, listen to that feeling. If you feel that there’s still a window of opportunity for the relationship to improve, listen closely to what your intuition tells you.


Set boundaries


Before thinking of cutting anyone off completely, you can still keep your toxic family members in your life while setting boundaries. But you will first need to identify what you want from the relationship, so you can have a clear idea of what boundaries you need to set.

For example, say you still want to hang out with your parents, but not when they interrogate or criticize your love life. So, one solution is to limit your visits and caution them ahead of time that you will not discuss any topics related to your love life.

You can also practice detachment, like not participating in family group chats or get-togethers. But it’s best to end conversations immediately when they take a turn into topics you don’t want to get in into. Or by simply avoiding messy situations altogether. Avoid bringing up topics that are sensitive and keep your conversations light and casual.

Before facing your family, decide what you will share and what you will keep private. You are not obligated to share anything with your family, especially if it’s information they can use against you. Learn when to say no and don’t be persuaded or manipulated into changing your mind.

Setting boundaries can empower you to maintain the relationships you want in your life.


Cleanse your soul


You have the power to not let negativity affect you. Every day is a new chance for you to start anew! To leave all of this toxicity behind, it’s best to cleanse your soul first.

Forgiveness is the root of all healing. When you hold on to grudges, you are still allowing them to have power over you. If it’s your parent, think about why they hurt you. Maybe there was something in their past that they projected onto you. Be compassionate and know that you are a better person today because of the things you experienced.

Remember that karma is at play and you just need to allow it to do its work. All you need to do is forgive and move forward with kindness and compassion. Forgiveness is a favor you do for yourself, to free you and allow yourself to live the life you’ve always wanted.

Toxicity is also a repeating pattern and it should end with you. Learn from the past and don’t allow it to repeat again. If your family member is still toxic to this day, it’s best to walk away. Send your blessings and let them face their own shadows. Stay humble and compassionate, instead of passing on the baton of negativity to other people.

You can also cleanse your soul through daily meditation. It is the ultimate tool that keeps your mind off negativity and allows your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels to protect you. You can also meditate and heal yourself with the best crystals.

You can also call a love psychic to cleanse yourself off of toxicity. Through Tana’s love psychic readings, you will experience life-changing results and find the clarity you need to move forward from your toxic family. Get in touch today for a love psychic reading and start living the life you deserve!


About Psychic Tana Hoy


Tana Hoy is The World’s Foremost Psychic who works with over 350 Spirit Helpers to deliver accurate psychic answers and guidance to clients. He has delivered thousands of confidential psychic readings by phone and psychic online readings. During your psychic readings with Tana, he can help you with anything you need guidance on – love, relationships, money, career, health, family, and your life purpose. With a 93% accuracy rate, Tana is considered the best psychic in the world today and can help you with the answers you need. All of his readings are 100% guaranteed! Get in touch with Tana today and get real psychic results that will change your life for the better!


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